City of Atlanta Passes ‘EV Ready’ Ordinance
November 22nd, 2017  Anne Gilliam Blair

Supporters testify at Monday's hearing for the City of Atlanta 'EV Ready'

Earlier this year, the City of Atlanta passed a 100 percent clean energy
resolution to begin transitioning the City away from fossil fuels to
cleaner, more renewable energy sources. As a part of that goal and efforts
to be a top-tier sustainable city, Atlanta Councilwoman Keisha Lance
Bottoms, with support from the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and local
partners, proposed a new ordinance, 17-O-1654, that would require that 20
percent of all new commercial parking structures and all new single-family
residential homes in Atlanta be ‘EV ready.’ The ordinance was passed
unanimously by the Atlanta City Council on Monday.

The ordinance means that new facilities will be required to be equipped with
the conduit and wiring needed to install electric vehicle (EV) charging
stations. This will help support the transition of the city to cleaner, more
affordable transportation — as electric vehicles, over their lifetime, are
less expensive to fuel and operate.  It will also build confidence among EV
drivers that they will have increased access to charge their cars.

As highlighted by the Mayor’s Office of Resilience, this ordinance lays the
groundwork for greater deployment of EV charging stations in Atlanta,
incentivizes EV deployment, as having convenient, accessible charging is
critical to putting more EVs on the road. By requiring new facilities to be
“EV Ready,” it also avoids future cost barriers. Installing the
infrastructure for EV charging in new construction rather than retrofitting
existing structures later could cut costs by more than 75 percent.

Atlanta is a national leader in electric vehicles. More than 25,000 electric
vehicles are registered in the state. The City has also committed to
converting 20 percent of their fleet to electric and low-emission vehicles
by 2020. However, EVs currently make up less than 2 percent of all vehicles
on the road in Georgia. This ordinance will help support the transition to
EV adoption by creating greater access to charging throughout the City.

Atlanta is not the only city to adopt an ‘EV Ready’ law, but it is one of
the most progressive and forward-looking ordinances in the country, and
particularly in the Southeast. Other cities that have adopted ‘EV Ready’
laws include New York City, San Francisco, Denver, and New Orleans, among
others. As noted by City leadership, adoption of this ordinance is not “only
smart and reasonable planning but also an investment in green jobs.”
Supporting new technology is good for Atlanta’s and Georgia’s economy. As
noted in my remarks before the City Council yesterday, making new EV
facilities, ‘EV Ready,’ will help attract more residents and businesses, as
EV charging is a factor in where many are choosing to live and work. Not
only that, but greater adoption of electric vehicles in Atlanta and
throughout the state, will also reduce air emissions and improve public

We thank the Atlanta City Council, the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and all
of the groups who offered support including EV Club of the South, Nissan,
Clean-Cities Georgia, Georgia Sierra Club, ChargePoint,  local residents,
and several others. This is a great step in moving EV-friendly policies
forward in the state.
[© CleanEnergy Footprints]
Atlanta City Council passes electric vehicle charging ordinance (Video)
2017/11/21  The Atlanta City Council took a major step Monday to support the
electrical vehicles revolution.
Atlanta passes infrastructure ordinance to support EV charging
Nov. 22, 2017  The Atlanta City Council unanimously passed infrastructure
regulations to boost the spread of electric vehicles (EV), according to the
Atlanta Business Chronicle ...

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