BMW trash-talks Tesla in LA
01 Dec 2017  David McCowen

[video  flash
BMW i8 pih Roadster

Senior executive hints at broken promises, production woes.

BMW has pumped up its electric car credentials while trash-talking Tesla at
the 2018 LA motor show.

Speaking on the first day of Tesla’s home show, BMW executive Klaus Frolich
raised eyebrows with a pointed reference to Tesla boss Elon Musk, who is
famous for making bold statements on social media.

“Unlike some in the industry, we do not just Twitter, we deliver on our
promises,” Frolich said.

Having beaten the likes of BMW to market with a premium electric sedan in
the Tesla Model S, the electric car company has struggled to ramp up
production to meet customer demand.

Frolich was coy when asked to clarify whether his comment was a direct dig
at Tesla.

“We never comment on the competition. It’s up to you to bring things
together,” he says.

“We will have 12 fully electric cars. They will drive like BMWs and they
will ramp up in volume in the market.

“We think we are in a very good position in the market.

“Customers know what they will get.”

Tesla has struggled to produce its new Model3 electric car in large numbers,
with Musk describing the car’s early life as “production hell” as the brand
“dropped the ball” when building its first cars.

The brand stole headlines in the lead-up to the LA motor show with the
reveal of a semi truck and second-generation Tesla Roadster reportedly
capable of reaching 100km/h in just 1.9 seconds.

[image]  BMW unveiled its new i8 Roadster [pih] car at the LA motor show.
Photo: Supplied

Musk cheekily hinted on Twitter that the Roadster's performance might be out
of this world.

    Not saying the next gen Roadster special upgrade package *will*
definitely enable it to fly short hops, but maybe …

    Certainly possible. Just a question of safety. Rocket tech applied to a
car opens up revolutionary possibilities.
    — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 19, 2017

Frolich says BMW invested heavily in research and development surrounding
processes required for mass-produced electric cars, targeting annual
production of more than 600,000 electrified vehicles.

“We want to stretch to 25 per cent of the BMW volume…you can be sure, now,
we have the core structures that we can do this,” Frolich says.

    ... GM expert: Elon Musk 'full of crap' [

“Others, if they build 600,000 electrified vehicles, let’s look at how their
core structures will be.

“Now we can scale, but we have worked on that for 15 years. 

“I think of the guys, they scaled too early, they did not do their homework
in the last 15 years.

“That’s a risk.”
[© 2017]

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