EVLN: Flying e-Hovercycle, e-motorcycle, auton patrol nEV, e-Robocop @Gitex
in UAE
Dubai Police unveils flying 'Hoversurf' at Gitex
The Hoversurf, a cross between a drone and motorcycle, can seat a police
officer ... The electric motorcycle reaches a top speed of 200kmh and can
run for eight hours ...
EVLN: EVs More Than Three Times More Efficient Than fcvs (v)
Adding fuel to the fire: a new study from European environment group
Transport & Environment makes a strong argument for battery-electric cars
... study accounted for the entire "well to wheels" impact of each energy
source ...
EVLN: Present EVs really aren’t so bad> (How Sh*tty Electric Cars Once Were)
Let's Take A Moment To Remember How Shitty Electric Cars Once ...
The modern world is doing wonderfully with electric cars, and you won't ...
truth is every electric car currently available is like the automotive
equivalent of a god ...

Tesla Update> simulate music,horses,chariots,ice,steam-engine,fire,water
Elon Musk Suggests 4 Weird Tesla Car Sounds for Software Update
The rise of near-silent electric vehicles offers a fun opportunity to come
up with ... It doesn't even have to be a regular vehicle sound; you could
use crackling fire ...
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