EVLN: (Owners beware)> Automaker dismantling your EV to see what makes it
Mercedes Dismantled A Tesla Model X Ahead Of Their Own Electric SUV Launch
The couple planned to go on vacation and loaned their car to the company.
Daimler, Mercedes' parent company rented it from Sixt and took the vehicle
apart. They tested it, put it back together and returned it to Sixt. The
couple who owns the Tesla Model X had no idea that their electric vehicle
was being used in this way ...
EVLN: Tesla-3 spotted in Michigan despite MI-car-dealers' state
Potential buyers of the Tesla Model 3, and the company's fleet of electric
cars, are unable to purchase within the state due to legacy franchise laws
that require ... a Nordstrom department store at the Somerset mall location
in Troy, Michigan, but has since moved to a full-scale standalone showroom
next to the Apple store ...

Porsche CEO admits stealing/ luring away Tesla's customers
... enjoyed with the Model S ultimately prompted traditional automakers like
Ford and BMW to take EV development much more seriously. Porsche in
particular has been heavily influenced by Tesla's success. Back in 2015, the
luxury automaker announced the Mission E, a fully electric car with some
pretty impressive specs ...
Tesla-3 test vehicle spotted near ‘Le Manoir D’Outremont’ in
The one spotted in British Columbia earlier this week appeared to be an
older release candidate, but this one in Montreal could be a production unit
– though it also features additional sensors and manufacturer plates
registered in California – leading us to believe that this is a test
vehicle. Eléna Pageon spotted the electric ...

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