Porsche Eyes Solid-State Batteries For Future Electric 911, Boxster
September 20, 2017  Mark Kane

Porsche Mission E Concept
2011 Porsche Boxster E Prototype

Electrification of the Porsche 911 and Boxster faces a fairly unique
challenge, as the current lithium-ion battery technology is claimed to not
be energy-dense enough to accommodate those platforms.

Porsche laments that an electric version of its flagship sports car would
accelerate better, but putting the batteries under the seats will heavily
affect the low ride height and class-leading handling and roadholding

The answer for this problem could well be next generation batteries, such as
solid-state ones, although those are years away from commercial production.

Porsche R&D boss Michael Steiner said:

    “Fully electrified sports cars would work very well for longitudinal
acceleration, but the weight disadvantage is in the handling.”

    “When this could happen depends on the evolution of battery power and
cell density.”

    “We see potential new battery technology coming that may change the game
again, but they are still in development,”

The original Boxster BEV prototype (with batteries behind the seats)
apparently didn’t matched its conventional counterpart, due higher weight.

The problem with the battery pack between the axles is that it raises driver
position and body. So Porsche is considering whether to remove the rear
seats or use a T-shape battery such as in the Chevrolet Volt [pih].

    “That’s a question we have asked ourselves: can it be a 911 with only
two seats?”

From our prospective, the excuse feels like a bit of a cop out as Porsche
employs some of the best engineers in the business.

We suspect if the platform was built with future battery housing in mind,
the minds at Porsche could have more easily solved the riddle rather than
relying on future-tech solutions…but the post-dieselgate VW of 2017 (we will
electrify the entire lineup by 2030 at the latest) isn’t anything like what
it was before, and now the scramble is on.
Electric Porsche 911 and Boxster to use solid-state batteries
13 September 2017  Porsche has built an all-electric Boxster prototype to
test the concept. It performed well, but delivered lower track times because
of a heavier kerb weight that also affected roadholding ...

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