UPS and Royal Mail to Test New Electric Vehicles in London
May 11, 2018  Richard Meldner 

Source: Arrival
Source: Royal Mail
Source: UPS

UPS and Royal Mail will be testing electric vehicles later this year in
London. The vehicles will be “Smart Electric Vans” produced by electric
vehicle startup Arrival.

The company designed the vehicles from scratch, including developing core
components in-house. These components include motors, power electronics,
battery systems, user interfaces, and software.

UPS will be testing 35 of these zero-tailpipe emissions vans in London and
Paris while the Royal Mail plans to test nine of the boxy looking vehicles
in the UK’s capital city.

Arrival says the vans have a range of 150 miles per charge and they believe
that should cover most urban routes.

The vans will be easy to spot as they feature a unique box-like shape with
large front wrap-around windows for improved visibility and electronic
driver assistance systems that are designed to improve safety and reduce

UPS Has History with Electric Vehicles in London

This is not UPS’ first use of electric vehicles. The company already
operates 170 vehicles in London and recently switched on a Smart Grid to
super-charge its current fleet to allow all 170 vehicles to operate from its
central London location.

Before the launch of the Smart Grid, UPS was limited to operating only 65
vehicles at a time. This Smart Grid technology which improves the
simultaneous charging of vehicles is believed to be the largest deployed at
this scale.

Specialized vehicles such as delivery vans are a great place to introduce
more energy efficient and green technologies. This is especially true in
major urban areas such as London, Paris, New York, etc. where excessive
emissions can also be a health hazard.

While the world may be a long way from generating “green” electricity at
scale, as technology improves on solar, wind, and other renewable energy
sources, more electricity will eventually be produced from renewables.

Running and expanding electric delivery vehicle tests is a key development
of future delivery systems. With the growth of eCommerce, finding solutions
that reduce carbon emissions is an important business and environmental
strategy for all logistics companies.
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