Great Scott! Tesla hides 'Back to the Future' Easter egg on app
2019-02-12  Sasha Lekach

Outatime  / Tara Ziemba/Getty Images
Here we go...  / ryan wagstaff
Back to the future
Movie references galore

Where we're going, we don't need roads... 

The latest Tesla Easter egg discovered this weekend is expertly hidden deep
within the electric car's mobile phone app. It's making Tesla-owning Back to
the Future fans scream "Great Scott!" 

The 1985 classic sci-fi film starring a very young Michael J. Fox as Marty
McFly and Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown is all about time traveling in a
classy old DeLorean. Tesla's Model S, X, and 3 aren't time machines, but
they get close.

In the app when the car is has 121 miles of battery range left, you click
the battery icon and Back to the Future mode takes over, turning it into a
Model X with the same falcon-wing doors as the DeLorean DMC-12. That number
is significant: 1.21 gigawatts of power sends Doc into a tizzy.

The app then goes deep into movie reference territory, with an option to
turn "Time Circuits On," that then transforms to "Outatime." The next
service schedule is set to Nov. 5, 1955 — the date Doc invents the flux
capacitor to get the car to the future. There are nuggets like this
everywhere. Take a look at the transformation. For this Tesla Model S owner,
his car turned into a Model X ...

The level of detail in Back to the Future mode is impressive with reference
to 88 mph, the speed necessary to hit "temporal displacement" to nuclear
plutonium fuel. Even the VIN connects back to the movie.

After all, nobody calls Tesla chicken.
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February 11, 2019  It's well known that Tesla owners tend to show a lot of
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based on owner satisfaction. In fact, Tesla's Model 3 compact ...

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