Elon Musk Suggests 4 Weird Tesla Car Sounds for Software Update
October 13, 2017  Mike Brown

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Elon Musk has some big ideas for how electric cars could sound. Not content
with the prospect of one setting for all of them, the Tesla CEO proposed a
number of tongue-in-cheek noises for his company’s vehicles in a Twitter
post on Thursday.

“Hey, you need a firmware on the Tesla that simulates sounds of petrol cars.
And simulates the shifting and aspiration. #DoItPlease,” YouTuber Barnacules
said to Musk on Twitter.

“To be more inclusive, how about a ‘pick your tech level’ setting,” Musk
said. “Could make the Tesla sound like horses (coconuts!), chariots, steam
engines, gasoline cars, …”

The rise of near-silent electric vehicles offers a fun opportunity to come
up with some unique sounds for the roads of the future. It doesn’t even have
to be a regular vehicle sound; you could use crackling fire, running water,
or your favorite song ...

The Tesla also provides an ideal opportunity to change the sounds during
regular operation. Each vehicle comes with a computer equipped for
over-the-air software updates, making changes like these a breeze. Cars
shipping since October of last year include the Nvidia Drive PX 2 computer,
which enables semi-autonomous driving through an array of sensors. Future
updates will improve the autonomy, but Musk could also include a hidden “car
noise” feature for those who want it.

Other manufacturers have gone in the opposite direction. Lucid Motors is
developing an electric vehicle designed for near-silence in the car’s
interior, using Noise and Vibration Harmony to cancel out even the sounds of
wheels in motion and wind rushing past. It won’t mask the sound for
passersby, but at that stage, the ability to control the simulated sound of
a car may seem rather pointless.

Kill EV noise-regs> Automakers want Donald to remove co$tly NHTSA safety
... that hybrid and electric vehicles emit a noise was mandated by Congress
in 2010, and it’s not clear if lawmakers would have to approve any change to
the rule. The vehicles are nearly silent at low speeds, and the NHTSA’s
regulation sought to reduce accidents involving pedestrians, especially the
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