Charged magazine has just published an article "EV industry fights congressional
plans to abolish federal EV tax credit". Here is the link

I haven't heard much talk on the EVDL about this, either pro or con, and wonder
if the members of the EVDL consider EV's valuable enough to spend some time, 10
minutes or so, advocating for them...

At the bottom of the article are two links - Click here to send a message to
your elected officials ( )
in support of the existing tax credit, or here to find contact info for your
Representative and Senators ( )

I've attached the two links so that those people who do support the $7500 tax
incentive can skip the article and go directly to contacting their elected
representatives, whether they voted for them or not.

I hope that you don't consider this a 'political' post, it is not, it is a post
in support of EV's, as Charged says,  "The latest salvo in the US government's
war on technology is contained in a House bill with the Orwellian title of the
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which would eliminate the federal tax credit for EV

Rush Dougherty
Tucson AZ 85719

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