On 8 Nov 2017 at 14:27, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

> Uniti will unveil its first electric car in the metal ... The car is
> made from carbon fibre and bio composite materials 

Which is it, metal or carbon fiber and composites?

> ... fully electronic steering system and a full-screen augmented
> reality head-up display ... 186-mile range ... weight of just 450kg ...
> target price of ¬20,000 (£17,800) ... 
> The crowdfunding effort was said to be record-breaking ...

Said by whom?

I've seen many such announcements in the 50 years I've been following EVs. 
My admittedly cynical prediction is that by early 2019:

The steering will be rack and pinion.
The display will be an LCD screen.
The range will be ~120 miles.
The weight will be 500-600kg.
The price will be 25-30k Euro.
The launch date will be some time in 2020 or 2021.

Uniti are on well-traveled ground here.  The details are a little different, 
but I don't think I could count the number of startups that have announced 
ambitious plans for city EVs, later scaled back their expensive goals, and 
eventually sunk without a trace.

I wish these folks success.  I like the basic idea, and I think we need more 
alternatives to the major automakers' EVs.  However, I'm not going to bet my 
retirement savings on them.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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