
Glad to hear you are progressing with your location change. I didn't miss the posts, my email is slow so I like getting fewer messages. I was just concerned about you, one of our really long time EV list members who has been conspicuous lately due to absence. Get your life organized and keep in touch occasionally, without posts is fine. You obviously have enough to keep occupied without searching for EV news. Good luck with the home search, car issues, etc.


On 1/29/2018 12:04 PM, brucedp5 via EV wrote:


EVnews wires are sparse (a few in-between the 'EVs are no good' ones). But
gleaned a few for posting. I hope to begin posting what EV news items I
find. Some of them will be old from when I stopped.

(ot) My status: Yes, it has been a long time since I checked in (I feel like
the kid who returned home after running away).

I returned to central TX last week. It took me all this time to setup a new
laptop I bought, order replacement vehicle part so I would later pass a tx
safety inspection (a process required for tx vehicle registration), and get
enough sleep over several nights to recover from the amount of caffeine I
was taking in each day during the to&from trips (I needed to stay awake
during the hours of driving to reach my next motel stop ...
?Can you say 'serious caffeine headaches').

The place I am staying is an affordable temporary solution until I find a
more permanent place (like a house). My vehicle part should come by 2/5. If
my hands are not shaking from age (they do that some days), I should be able
to have the satisfaction of replacing it myself. If not, then I have the
same auto repair place that will do the TX safety check, do the repair. I
have my local VA Hospital appointments at the end of Feb., so that I can
begin getting care and prescription refills from them.

I still have other tasks to get done (change addresses on financial
institutions, look for homes for sale, and look to my future needs of
knowing where the senior care homes are, for later when I am in need of
them, etc.).

Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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