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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of EV digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Anyone have really good video of the EV1? (Joseph Lado)
   2. Re: Perhaps too much drama but certainly worth of a       new
      Nickname (Bill Dennis)
   3. It only hurts when I laugh (was:Perhaps too much drama but
      certainly worth of a new Nickname) (Bill Dube)
   4. Re: It only hurts when I laugh (was:Perhaps too much drama
      but certainly worth of a new Nickname) (Tim Humphrey)
   5. KillBillACycle (Tim Humphrey)
   6. Re: NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's trying
      to make money. (GWMobile)
   7. Re: It only hurts when I laugh (John A. Evans - N0HJ)
   8. Re: Mavins motor?s bearings (Osmo S.)
   9. Re: Perhaps too much drama but certainly worth of a
      newNickname (Alan Brinkman)
  10. Nic-Name for Bill D. (Steven Lough)
  11. Re: KillBillACycle (GWMobile)
  12. Re: NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's trying
      to make money. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  13. Re: KillBillACycle (Tim Humphrey)
  14. Bill Dube nominated for Darwin Award. (Lawrence Rhodes)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:19:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joseph Lado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EVDL] Anyone have really good video of the EV1?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Does anyone have some really good stills or any high quality video
footage of the EV1. Any high quality PR type material or pics of the
car doing the auto show circuit or really good pictures of the EV1 on
the road. High Rez quality over 800X600 is what I am looking for. You
can contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:22:14 -0600
From: Bill Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Perhaps too much drama but certainly worth of a
        new     Nickname
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Dube' Away!

David Dymaxion wrote:
> Mighty glad you are OK Bill! I'm also glad the path ahead of you was clear of 
> people. There's a saying that "any press is good press," hopefully that is a 
> silver lining here.
> It's black humor at its finest/worst, but since Bill is OK forging ahead 
> fearlessly:
> KillBillACycle
> Bill the Bullet
> The Green Arrow (rats, already taken!)
> Blastoff Bill
> (The other suggestion of "Burnout Bill" I think is the best one so far.)
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
> Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all 
> the tools to get online.
> _______________________________________________
> For subscription options, see


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:30:43 -0600
From: Bill Dube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EVDL] It only hurts when I laugh (was:Perhaps too much drama
        but certainly worth of a new Nickname)
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

This is really funny.

         KillBillaCycle was priceless. LOL ROTFL (or should it be ROTPL?)

Bill Dube'

At 11:11 AM 9/14/2007, you wrote:
>Mighty glad you are OK Bill! I'm also glad the path ahead of you was 
>clear of people. There's a saying that "any press is good press," 
>hopefully that is a silver lining here.
>It's black humor at its finest/worst, but since Bill is OK forging 
>ahead fearlessly:
>Bill the Bullet
>The Green Arrow (rats, already taken!)
>Blastoff Bill
>(The other suggestion of "Burnout Bill" I think is the best one so far.)
>Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives 
>you all the tools to get online.
>For subscription options, see


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:42:49 -0600
From: Tim Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] It only hurts when I laugh (was:Perhaps too much
        drama but certainly worth of a new Nickname)
To: EV <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I also got a roar out of that one. But didn't you mean LOL LOOTPL (Laid Out On 
The Pavement Laughing).

Glad to hear you're OK!

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Bill Dube
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 1:31 PM
> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> Subject: [EVDL] It only hurts when I laugh (was:Perhaps too much drama
> but certainly worth of a new Nickname)
> This is really funny.
>          KillBillaCycle was priceless. LOL ROTFL (or should it be
> Bill Dube'
> At 11:11 AM 9/14/2007, you wrote:
>>Mighty glad you are OK Bill! I'm also glad the path ahead of you was
>>clear of people. There's a saying that "any press is good press,"
>>hopefully that is a silver lining here.
>>It's black humor at its finest/worst, but since Bill is OK forging
>>ahead fearlessly:
>>Bill the Bullet
>>The Green Arrow (rats, already taken!)
>>Blastoff Bill
>>(The other suggestion of "Burnout Bill" I think is the best one so
> far.)


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:49:52 -0600
From: Tim Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EVDL] KillBillACycle
To: EV <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Is it just me, or does anyone else have a weird feeling that Bill will be on 
Leno tonite?

"This bike can go 0-60 in less than a second.........See!! Betcha didn't 
believe me!!"

Stay Charged!
I-5, Blossvale NY


Message: 6
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:49:43 -0700
Subject: Re: [EVDL] NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's
        trying  to make money.
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format="flowed"

This was just on the national news as well.

It is not merely an internet hoax.

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 3:09 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The video shows some sort of flame.  There is nothing proving that the
> salt water is burning.  It would be a trivial matter to add clear
> chemicals to make it burn.
> In any case, we can already break water into H2 and O2 with 
> electrolysis
> with decent efficiency (depends on process used).  There's no point to
> using a lot of electricity to make a little flame on site, the
> electricity could drive motors with many times the effectiveness.  If 
> it
> was more efficient than electrolysis and the H2 could be extracted
> without burning for storage, it would have some uses.  Seems unlikely,
> making RF energy from electricity alone is not an extremely high
> efficiency process.
> BTW, people have made fun plasmoids in your standard home microwave
> simply by putting a match in there that was just blown out and still
> smoldering- the microwave energy turns the smoke into a glowing,
> animated plasma.  Lots of neat net videos.  There's other fantastic
> tricks that can be done with cut grapes and such.  Yet despite being
> flashy, it doesn't constitute a power source.
> Danny
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Peter VanDerWal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:26 pm
> Subject: [EVDL] NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's trying
> to make money.
> To: Lawrence Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Electric Vehicle
> Discussion List <>
>>  I seriously doubt they are getting more energy out than they are
>>  puttingin, but the burning "salt water" appears to be FACT not
>>  fiction.
>>  Rustum Roy is actually on the board at Penn State University, there
>>  is a
>>  link on the Penn state website to Dr Roy's website.  That website
>>  has a
>>  link to a video showing the Hydrogen burning.
>>  I'm quite certain that they aren't getting any over unity reaction
>>  here,but they are using radio waves to separate hydrogen from salt
>>  water and
>>  then igniting the hydrogen.
>>  > Below is what sounds like the answer to our prayers.  However it
>>  may be a
>>  > hoax or a lie designed to filtch investors.  This kind of free or
>>  amazing> energy source comes up every once in a while on this list
>>  so the below
>>  > article is a textbook example of what I call feeding the pigeons.
>>  We all
>>  > are the pigeons.  One tip off is time and money will be needed to
>>  prove> the
>>  > process.  The other is the question of weather the radio
>>  frequency power
>>  > input is offset by the power output of the flame of (chuckle)
>>  burning salt
>>  > water.  If you see something like this below turn on your bs
>>  detector.  No
>>  > offense to Remy or the ET list.  He is just passing along
>>  information from
>>  > many sources.  He lets you make the decision as to the truth of the
>>  > articles.  In the past EV list members have ferreted out lies.
>>  So keep
>>  > your
>>  > money in your pocket and make sure devices or other methods of
>>  fuel are
>>  > proven before investing.  Lawrence Rhodes....
>>  >
>>  > Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so
>>  >     Posted by: "Remy Chevalier" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  > cleannewworld
>>  >     Date: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:20 am ((PDT))
>>  >
>>  > Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so
>>  > Sunday, September 09, 2007
>>  > By David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > For obvious reasons, scientists long have thought that salt water
>>  couldn't> be burned.
>>  >
>>  > So when an Erie man announced he'd ignited salt water with the
>>  > radio-frequency generator he'd invented, some thought it a was a
>>  hoax.>
>>  > John Kanzius, a Washington County native, tried to desalinate
>>  seawater> with
>>  > a generator he developed to treat cancer, and it caused a flash
>>  in the
>>  > test
>>  > tube.
>>  >
>>  > Within days, he had the salt water in the test tube burning like
>>  a candle,
>>  > as long as it was exposed to radio frequencies.
>>  >
>>  > His discovery has spawned scientific interest in using the
>>  world's most
>>  > abundant substance as clean fuel, among other uses.
>>  >
>>  > Rustum Roy, a Penn State University chemist, held a demonstration
>>  last> week
>>  > at the university's Materials Research Laboratory in State
>>  College, to
>>  > confirm what he'd witnessed weeks before in an Erie lab.
>>  >
>>  > "It's true, it works," Dr. Roy said. "Everyone told me, 'Rustum,
>>  don't be
>>  > fooled. He put electrodes in there.' "
>>  >
>>  > But there are no electrodes and no gimmicks, he said.
>>  >
>>  > Dr. Roy said the salt water isn't burning per se, despite
>>  appearances. The
>>  > radio frequency actually weakens bonds holding together the
>>  constituents> of
>>  > salt water -- sodium chloride, hydrogen and oxygen -- and
>>  releases the
>>  > hydrogen, which, once ignited, burns continuously when exposed to
>>  the RF
>>  > energy field. Mr. Kanzius said an independent source measured the
>>  flame's> temperature, which exceeds 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
>>  reflecting an
>>  > enormous
>>  > energy output.
>>  >
>>  > As such, Dr. Roy, a founding member of the Materials Research
>>  Laboratory> and
>>  > expert in water structure, said Mr. Kanzius' discovery represents
>>  "the> most
>>  > remarkable in water science in 100 years."
>>  >
>>  > But researching its potential will take time and money, he said. One
>>  > immediate question is energy efficiency: The energy the RF
>>  generator uses
>>  > vs. the energy output from burning hydrogen.
>>  >
>>  > Dr. Roy said he's scheduled to meet tomorrow with U.S. Department of
>>  > Energy
>>  > and Department of Defense officials in Washington to discuss the
>>  discovery> and seek research funding.
>>  >
>>  > Mr. Kanzius said he powered a Stirling, or hot air, engine with salt
>>  > water.
>>  > But whether the system can power a car or be used as an efficient
>>  fuel> will
>>  > depend on research results.
>>  >
>>  > "We will get our ideas together and check this out and see where it
>>  > leads,"
>>  > Dr. Roy said. "The potential is huge.
>>  >
>>  > "In the life sciences, the role of water is infinite, and this
>>  guy is
>>  > doing
>>  > something new in using the most important and most abundant
>>  material on
>>  > the
>>  > face of the earth."
>>  > Mr. Kanzius' discovery was an accident.
>>  >
>>  > He developed the RF generator as a novel cancer treatment. His
>>  research in
>>  > targeting cancer cells with metallic nanoparticles then
>>  destroying them
>>  > with
>>  > radio-frequency is proceeding at the University of Pittsburgh
>>  Medical> Center
>>  > and at the University of Texas' MD Anderson Cancer Center in
>>  Houston.>
>>  > Manuscripts updating the cancer research are in preparation for
>>  > publication
>>  > in coming months, Mr. Kanzius said.
>>  >
>>  > While Mr. Kanzius was demonstrating how his generator heated
>>  > nanoparticles,
>>  > someone noted condensation inside the test tube and suggested he
>>  try using
>>  > his equipment to desalinate water.
>>  >
>>  > So, Mr. Kanzius said, he put sea water in a test tube, then
>>  trained his
>>  > machine on it, producing an unexpected spark. In time he and
>>  laboratory> owners struck a match and ignited the water, which
>>  continued burning as
>>  > long
>>  > as it remained in the radio-frequency field.
>>  >
>>  > During several trials, heat from burning hydrogen grew hot enough
>>  to melt
>>  > the test tube, he said. Dr. Roy's tests on the machine last week
>>  provided> further evidence that the process is releasing and
>>  burning hydrogen from
>>  > the
>>  > water. Tests on different water solutions and concentrations
>>  produced> various temperatures and flame colors.
>>  >
>>  > "This is the most abundant element in the world. It is
>>  everywhere," Dr.
>>  > Roy
>>  > said of salt water. "Seeing it burn gives me chills."
>>  >
>>  > _______________________________________________
>>  > For subscription options, see
>>  >
>>  >
>>  --
>>  If you send email to me, or the EVDL, that has > 4 lines of legalistic
>>  junk at the end; then you are specifically authorizing me to do
>>  whatever I
>>  wish with the message.  By posting the message you agree that your
>>  longlegalistic signature is void.
>>  _______________________________________________
>>  For subscription options, see
> _______________________________________________
> For subscription options, see
> for daily images about hurricanes, globalwarming 
and the melting poles. daily solar and earthquake images.


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:34:28 -0600
From: "John A. Evans - N0HJ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] It only hurts when I laugh
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

And, as a warning to us all - Don't be a Dube !! ;)

just teasin'



Message: 8
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 21:15:39 +0300
From: "Osmo S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Mavins motor?s bearings
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed

> battery EV.  What type of bearing is on the other end
> of your motor?


good to hear your experiences. So I will replace the originals with  
the sealed ones. There is some difference in the clearance though:  
the original (C4H) has a 0.040 - 0.051 mm clearance while the sealed  
one (C4) has 0.030 - 0.051 mm. I suppose that is ok.

The two bearings are identical. The original tranny/differential oil  
was ment to lubricate both.

Any good tips how to get the work done easily? Should I cool the  
rotor in a fridge first, then heat the bearing before pulling it off?



Message: 9
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:19:41 -0700
From: "Alan Brinkman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Perhaps too much drama but certainly worth of a
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"

OK guys, gals, this thread is getting a little out of hand.

Mr. Dube is a hard working, well respected, highly educated, inventive
individual who has consistently gone that extra mile to further the

As was previously suggested, a respectable nickname such as Sir Bill
should be considered.

Or, better yet, Mr. Bill.
Oooohhhh Nnnnoooooooo, Mr. Bill!!!!
Watch out for the................
(I couldn't resist the "Saturday Nite Live" reference, Mr. Bill was a
character made out of clay that would get into some pickles).

Seriously now, I am glad to see that you are o.k. and that your machine
is very much repairable.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Rod Hower
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 10:12 AM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Perhaps too much drama but certainly worth of a

KillaBill ?
roadside bomb
crashtest dummy :-)
Glad your well Bill, they should of put a chalk line
around your body when you were laid out :-)

--- dale henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 'blunt bill'
> --- Marty Hewes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Projectile Bill?
> > Sir Bill?  Out slaying ICE minivan dragons (snip)


Message: 10
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:23:08 -0700
From: Steven Lough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EVDL] Nic-Name for Bill D.
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List RCVR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

How about "Spillin-Bill-in"
or "Bill-in-Spill-in"

Oh... by the way, Seems I remember another incident with a high powered 
2 wheeler.  Wasn't it Woodburn Portland, late at night in the Motel 
Parking Lot.  Some one gave him a scooter on steroids, and when he hit 
the throttle too hard, went over back wards..   Was that Bill ?? or 
Dennis B.  Cant Remember.

I had a turn at the same scooter, but LEEEeeeanned WAY forward as I hit 
the throttle...  I think Roy LeMeur had something to do with it...

Glad your OK Bill.....
Steven S. Lough, Pres.
Seattle EV Association
6021 32nd Ave. N.E.
Seattle,  WA  98115-7230
Day:  206 850-8535
Eve:  206 524-1351


Message: 11
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:17:33 -0700
Subject: Re: [EVDL] KillBillACycle
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format="flowed"

If someone called leno's show I'll bet they would schedule him. They 
love that sort of stuff and no one ever calls them to tell them the 
human interest stories so they always get stuck with booking the same 
old celebs huckstering the same old movies.

On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:53 am, Tim Humphrey wrote:
> Is it just me, or does anyone else have a weird feeling that Bill will 
> be on Leno tonite?
> "This bike can go 0-60 in less than a second.........See!! Betcha 
> didn't believe me!!"
> --
> Stay Charged!
> Hump
> I-5, Blossvale NY
> _______________________________________________
> For subscription options, see
> for daily images about hurricanes, globalwarming 
and the melting poles. daily solar and earthquake images.


Message: 12
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 13:38:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [EVDL] NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's
        trying  to make money.
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],  Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

News reporters are not rocket scientists, far from it.  They've been
duped over and over by impossible claims.

Tilley EV got picked up by the news a few times, YouTube carries a Fox
News story on the Aquygen (HHO) guy who did a few real-world
hydrogen-oxygen welding tricks and then said he could run a car on
water.  And let's not forget Steorn had a big ad in The Economist to buy
themselves some apparent legitimacy.

Making a lie into a BIGGER lie does nothing to increase their
credibility.  Scientific verification and a real explanation would do
it.  I'd believe it if someone proved that fusion were occurring, very
unlikely but not completely impossible.  This would be easy enough for a
real lab to verify fairly quickly.  

Without fusion, his claims are basically useless unless he can show it
can make H2 with greater efficiency than electrolysis.  He makes no
claims in this area.


----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, September 14, 2007 12:59 pm
Subject: Re: [EVDL] NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's
trying  to make money.
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <>

> This was just on the national news as well.
> It is not merely an internet hoax.
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 3:09 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The video shows some sort of flame.  There is nothing proving 
> that the
> > salt water is burning.  It would be a trivial matter to add clear
> > chemicals to make it burn.
> >
> > In any case, we can already break water into H2 and O2 with 
> > electrolysis
> > with decent efficiency (depends on process used).  There's no 
> point to
> > using a lot of electricity to make a little flame on site, the
> > electricity could drive motors with many times the effectiveness. 
> If 
> > it
> > was more efficient than electrolysis and the H2 could be extracted
> > without burning for storage, it would have some uses.  Seems 
> unlikely,> making RF energy from electricity alone is not an 
> extremely high
> > efficiency process.
> >
> > BTW, people have made fun plasmoids in your standard home microwave
> > simply by putting a match in there that was just blown out and still
> > smoldering- the microwave energy turns the smoke into a glowing,
> > animated plasma.  Lots of neat net videos.  There's other fantastic
> > tricks that can be done with cut grapes and such.  Yet despite being
> > flashy, it doesn't constitute a power source.
> >
> > Danny
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Peter VanDerWal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thursday, September 13, 2007 9:26 pm
> > Subject: [EVDL] NOT A HOAX!! Re: How to spot a hoax or someone's 
> trying> to make money.
> > To: Lawrence Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Electric Vehicle
> > Discussion List <>
> >
> >>  I seriously doubt they are getting more energy out than they are
> >>  puttingin, but the burning "salt water" appears to be FACT not
> >>  fiction.
> >>  Rustum Roy is actually on the board at Penn State University, 
> there>>  is a
> >>  link on the Penn state website to Dr Roy's website.  That website
> >>  has a
> >>  link to a video showing the Hydrogen burning.
> >>
> >>  I'm quite certain that they aren't getting any over unity reaction
> >>  here,but they are using radio waves to separate hydrogen from salt
> >>  water and
> >>  then igniting the hydrogen.
> >>
> >>  > Below is what sounds like the answer to our prayers.  However it
> >>  may be a
> >>  > hoax or a lie designed to filtch investors.  This kind of 
> free or
> >>  amazing> energy source comes up every once in a while on this list
> >>  so the below
> >>  > article is a textbook example of what I call feeding the 
> pigeons.>>  We all
> >>  > are the pigeons.  One tip off is time and money will be 
> needed to
> >>  prove> the
> >>  > process.  The other is the question of weather the radio
> >>  frequency power
> >>  > input is offset by the power output of the flame of (chuckle)
> >>  burning salt
> >>  > water.  If you see something like this below turn on your bs
> >>  detector.  No
> >>  > offense to Remy or the ET list.  He is just passing along
> >>  information from
> >>  > many sources.  He lets you make the decision as to the truth 
> of the
> >>  > articles.  In the past EV list members have ferreted out lies.
> >>  So keep
> >>  > your
> >>  > money in your pocket and make sure devices or other methods of
> >>  fuel are
> >>  > proven before investing.  Lawrence Rhodes....
> >>  >
> >>  > Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so
> >>  >     Posted by: "Remy Chevalier" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>  > cleannewworld
> >>  >     Date: Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:20 am ((PDT))
> >>  >
> >>  > Salt water as fuel? Erie man hopes so
> >>  > Sunday, September 09, 2007
> >>  > By David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>  > For obvious reasons, scientists long have thought that salt 
> water>>  couldn't> be burned.
> >>  >
> >>  > So when an Erie man announced he'd ignited salt water with the
> >>  > radio-frequency generator he'd invented, some thought it a 
> was a
> >>  hoax.>
> >>  > John Kanzius, a Washington County native, tried to desalinate
> >>  seawater> with
> >>  > a generator he developed to treat cancer, and it caused a flash
> >>  in the
> >>  > test
> >>  > tube.
> >>  >
> >>  > Within days, he had the salt water in the test tube burning like
> >>  a candle,
> >>  > as long as it was exposed to radio frequencies.
> >>  >
> >>  > His discovery has spawned scientific interest in using the
> >>  world's most
> >>  > abundant substance as clean fuel, among other uses.
> >>  >
> >>  > Rustum Roy, a Penn State University chemist, held a 
> demonstration>>  last> week
> >>  > at the university's Materials Research Laboratory in State
> >>  College, to
> >>  > confirm what he'd witnessed weeks before in an Erie lab.
> >>  >
> >>  > "It's true, it works," Dr. Roy said. "Everyone told me, 'Rustum,
> >>  don't be
> >>  > fooled. He put electrodes in there.' "
> >>  >
> >>  > But there are no electrodes and no gimmicks, he said.
> >>  >
> >>  > Dr. Roy said the salt water isn't burning per se, despite
> >>  appearances. The
> >>  > radio frequency actually weakens bonds holding together the
> >>  constituents> of
> >>  > salt water -- sodium chloride, hydrogen and oxygen -- and
> >>  releases the
> >>  > hydrogen, which, once ignited, burns continuously when 
> exposed to
> >>  the RF
> >>  > energy field. Mr. Kanzius said an independent source measured 
> the>>  flame's> temperature, which exceeds 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
> >>  reflecting an
> >>  > enormous
> >>  > energy output.
> >>  >
> >>  > As such, Dr. Roy, a founding member of the Materials Research
> >>  Laboratory> and
> >>  > expert in water structure, said Mr. Kanzius' discovery 
> represents>>  "the> most
> >>  > remarkable in water science in 100 years."
> >>  >
> >>  > But researching its potential will take time and money, he 
> said. One
> >>  > immediate question is energy efficiency: The energy the RF
> >>  generator uses
> >>  > vs. the energy output from burning hydrogen.
> >>  >
> >>  > Dr. Roy said he's scheduled to meet tomorrow with U.S. 
> Department of
> >>  > Energy
> >>  > and Department of Defense officials in Washington to discuss the
> >>  discovery> and seek research funding.
> >>  >
> >>  > Mr. Kanzius said he powered a Stirling, or hot air, engine 
> with salt
> >>  > water.
> >>  > But whether the system can power a car or be used as an 
> efficient>>  fuel> will
> >>  > depend on research results.
> >>  >
> >>  > "We will get our ideas together and check this out and see 
> where it
> >>  > leads,"
> >>  > Dr. Roy said. "The potential is huge.
> >>  >
> >>  > "In the life sciences, the role of water is infinite, and this
> >>  guy is
> >>  > doing
> >>  > something new in using the most important and most abundant
> >>  material on
> >>  > the
> >>  > face of the earth."
> >>  > Mr. Kanzius' discovery was an accident.
> >>  >
> >>  > He developed the RF generator as a novel cancer treatment. His
> >>  research in
> >>  > targeting cancer cells with metallic nanoparticles then
> >>  destroying them
> >>  > with
> >>  > radio-frequency is proceeding at the University of Pittsburgh
> >>  Medical> Center
> >>  > and at the University of Texas' MD Anderson Cancer Center in
> >>  Houston.>
> >>  > Manuscripts updating the cancer research are in preparation for
> >>  > publication
> >>  > in coming months, Mr. Kanzius said.
> >>  >
> >>  > While Mr. Kanzius was demonstrating how his generator heated
> >>  > nanoparticles,
> >>  > someone noted condensation inside the test tube and suggested he
> >>  try using
> >>  > his equipment to desalinate water.
> >>  >
> >>  > So, Mr. Kanzius said, he put sea water in a test tube, then
> >>  trained his
> >>  > machine on it, producing an unexpected spark. In time he and
> >>  laboratory> owners struck a match and ignited the water, which
> >>  continued burning as
> >>  > long
> >>  > as it remained in the radio-frequency field.
> >>  >
> >>  > During several trials, heat from burning hydrogen grew hot 
> enough>>  to melt
> >>  > the test tube, he said. Dr. Roy's tests on the machine last week
> >>  provided> further evidence that the process is releasing and
> >>  burning hydrogen from
> >>  > the
> >>  > water. Tests on different water solutions and concentrations
> >>  produced> various temperatures and flame colors.
> >>  >
> >>  > "This is the most abundant element in the world. It is
> >>  everywhere," Dr.
> >>  > Roy
> >>  > said of salt water. "Seeing it burn gives me chills."
> >>  >
> >>  > _______________________________________________
> >>  > For subscription options, see
> >>  >
> >>  >
> >>
> >>
> >>  --
> >>  If you send email to me, or the EVDL, that has > 4 lines of 
> legalistic>>  junk at the end; then you are specifically 
> authorizing me to do
> >>  whatever I
> >>  wish with the message.  By posting the message you agree that your
> >>  longlegalistic signature is void.
> >>
> >>  _______________________________________________
> >>  For subscription options, see
> >>
> >>
> >
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> >
> for daily images about hurricanes, 
> globalwarming 
> and the melting poles.
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Message: 13
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 12:41:38 -0600
From: Tim Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] KillBillACycle
To: EV <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Yeah what happened... Carson used to have "normal" people on all the time.

I believe someone on this list has Jay's personal contact info (Rod?). Maybe 
give jay the heads-up that Bill's in the area. Of course I really don't think 
they do impromptu stuff like that. 

I was thinking more like there'd be mention of him in the monologue.

Bill, would you happen to know where I could get my hands on some slightly used 
A123 cells for my drag-snomobile? Scratched and dented would be acceptable of 

Stay Charged!
I-5, Blossvale NY

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of GWMobile
> Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 2:18 PM
> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] KillBillACycle
> If someone called leno's show I'll bet they would schedule him. They
> love that sort of stuff and no one ever calls them to tell them the
> human interest stories so they always get stuck with booking the same
> old celebs huckstering the same old movies.
> On Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:53 am, Tim Humphrey wrote:
>> Is it just me, or does anyone else have a weird feeling that Bill will
>> be on Leno tonite?
>> "This bike can go 0-60 in less than a second.........See!! Betcha
>> didn't believe me!!"
>> --
>> Stay Charged!
>> Hump


Message: 14
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:57:23 -0700
From: "Lawrence Rhodes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EVDL] Bill Dube nominated for Darwin Award.
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

They gave me a few stitches on a cut on my head, and
> > bandaids here
> > and there, and then I walked several blocks back to
> > the convention
> > center, feeling like an idiot. :-\
> >
> > Bill D. (the idiot)
> *********************************

Well Bill I think that says it all.  I'm sure you won't get on that bike
again without a helmet and a real course in front of you.  It certainly is a
lesson to all of us experimenting with EV's.  After seeing the video and
having that sinking feeling when you were laying on your back I am so glad
Killacycle didn't live up to its name.  Uhhh I'm feeling a little guilty but
I nominated you for a Darwin Award.  Lawrence Rhodes.......Real smart people
do screw up, but it's at a higher level.


For subscription options, see

End of EV Digest, Vol 2, Issue 41

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