The map is a cool idea for visualisation,
but we need a more Plone centric interpretation of it! ;-)

They mention Plonbe because they cannot omit it.

Very interesting is the position of Plone in a 2008 vendor risk profile visualisation by CMSWatch, where Plone is only CMS beeing in the middle of the "Balanced" feature area having a good mix of development velocity (too quick is turbulenced and not that cool) and other aspects.
The evaluation is of course not up to date and cannot cover the potenttials of the upcoming Plone 4 and 5 releases but can lead to some new definition of Plone's USP.
Am 07.12.2009 um 05:46 schrieb Dylan Jay:

If wikipedia is to be believed then my guess is archiving, desktop integration and scanning is perhaps what's missing?

"New product suites have arisen from the combination of capture, search and networking capabilities with technologies of the content management field, which have traditionally addressed digital archiving, document management and workflow. Generally speaking, this is when content management becomes enterprise content management. The different nomenclature is intended to encompass all of the problem areas related to the use and preservation of information within an organization, in all of its forms — not just its web-oriented face to the outside world."

I know systems like TRIM handle imaging and archiving etc which plone doesn't normally integrate with. Sharepoint integrates with exchange and desktop sharing in ways Plone doesn't do as comprehensively. Anyone familiar with Alfresco know what it can do that Plone doesn't that qualifies as ECM?

Sorry, I am not familiar with Alfresco.
But we use internally scanning document PDF directly into Plone via FTP. With the pdftoocr Plone product you can make scanned documents searchable. Maybe this adresses some of the points.

Everybody using Plone and being in competition with Sharepoint etc. should know and do some evaluation a Plone 3 based collaboration suite. There a some very cool workarounds for poor solutions in the Plone UI (i.e. tagging with keywords, recycle bin (space risky but necessary for revision proof deleting.), Mindmap based sitemap, high throughput commenting with microblogging desktop client based on adobe air. is catching a lot of ECM use-cases Plone can only match with integration work and "hell" they promote it in a very professional way. There is still a lot of stuff you need / can do integrating Plone/ with other products to make it real cool. So take this part of the family on the Photo!

When we want Plone to be listed as a well known competitor, there should be official bundled "Plone with ECM taste" releases like the Plone4Education or Plone4Artists distributions for adressing the target groups.

The drawback is that the plone foundation efforts to promote Plone as a whole is exploded into micro activities when this is done in parallel tasks. Even when a team is able to force this in one year, there is the risk for investors that there is growing a dead branch sticking with a particular version the next time. The same is with the in general cool idea using Plone for NAS USP activity.

At last we need to focus what we can manage!

Kind regards

Armin Stroß-Radschinski

Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski
ACSR industrialdesign
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Armin Carl Stroß-Radschinski, Dipl. Designer
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