This is just the beginning of the reboot of Plone's
Marketing/Communications effort.  We will be starting out at 9 am
Eastern US time on Saturday May 29th (tomorrow) and working into the

The goal of this sprint is to work on the planning and implementation
of marketing, communication and brand activities for Plone. The sprint
will help hone our marketing message and also work on concrete ways
that the Foundation and Marketing Team can help businesses promote
themselves with Plone. This won't just be a thinking session - we'll
be setting some specific goals for things that we can come out of this
sprint with which can be useful to the organization right away.

We have a list of tasks that will be shared with attendees.  Grab what
interests you and contribute.  Where marketing goes from here is
largely up to you.

Feel free to drop a message to if you have ideas
or topics you would like to see pursued.

(Note that this is not the marketing mailing list.)

If you are interested in participating in the sprint, or in marketing
in general, please send an email to Those who do
will get access to a private document store containing - among other
things - the list of sprint tasks.

In your note, please include the following:


Your Name?

Your Company?

What your role there is?

How long have you used Plone?

Have you ever attended a Plone event ? (Conference, user group
meeting, symposium, World Plone Day, etc.)

Rate your Plone knowledge on a 1 to 10 scale - 1 being "I never
touched it", 10 being a core-committer.

Do you have an previous marketing experience? (not a prerequisite at
all, just good to know)

Information on how to reach you:
    Contact email
    IRC Handle
    TokBox UserID
    Social Media addresses

Do you have a specific goal with getting involved in Plone Marketing?

Do you need help with a specific marketing issue?

Is there a particular issue or issues you are interested in getting
involved to help resolve?


We look forward to working with you and doing amazing things.

Mark Corum
Plone Marketing Team

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Mark A Corum
Writer  |  User Interface Designer  |  Online Marketer  |  Certified ScrumMaster

markcorum on AOL, Googletalk, MSN, Skype, Meebo, TokBox, Facebook,
Twitter and Yahoo

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Evangelism mailing list

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