---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hanno Schlichting <>
Date: Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:25 PM
Subject: Fwd: Plone is back on ohloh
To: Jon Stahl <>

Hi Jon.

I sent this a while back to the evangelism list, but it seems to have
been lost in the moderator queue.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hanno Schlichting <>
Date: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 11:11 PM
Subject: Plone is back on ohloh
To: evangelism <>

Hi. has been acquired by SourceForge a while back, giving me
some hope, that they'll be able to improve their service again. I've
therefor put Plone back onto ohloh (

Their standard short analysis is both favorable and correct. The info
about ratings, reviews, "who uses" and "who contributes" is correct as
well. The underlying data represents plone-coredev trunk, which means
Plone 5 right now. The number of lines of code for that release looks
correct as well.

But: The whole historical view of any data is pretty much useless.
Neither the LOC history nor the number of commits per contributor are
anywhere close to being correct.

This is a limitation of the service, which we cannot do
anything about right now. Just be aware of it, if someone tries to
quote or use any of this data.


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