
Last week I presented a PloneGov case to the European eGovernment awards 2009. According to the EU Commission, it is the largest eGov event-taking place in Europe. The goal of participating is to raise PloneGov visibility by being selected among the 52 finalists, be invited to the international exhibition next Nov in Sweden, and benefit from marketing effect related to this event reaching over 40 countries.

If we succeed as in 2007, it is likely that PloneGov may remain the only open source project selected among the finalists. As detailed in "did you know" below, eGovernment is a strategic market for Plone.

In the coming days, evaluators will judge the quality of the proposal based on the criteria listed below. As you can see, PloneGov is very strong on most points especially on 3 to 6, and an active presence on the web in the coming 2 weeks is likely to improve the results.

How can you help ?
Starting today, I will publish a number of PloneGov and eGovernment articles on zeapartners.org. You can support this submission by relaying articles on your blogs and publishing related articles. Today the Google search finds 15100 English pages for PloneGov. We can grow very quickly this figure.

Did you know?
A census made in May 2009 indicates that PloneGov, its members and SubCommunities, and a number of public organizations supporting the project are reaching 727 public organizations using at least one application. According to the same organizations, the number of public organizations reached should have more than doubled by the end of 2010.
(these figures do not include Brazil that is as big on its own).

Awards evaluation phase
Following an eligibility screening, a panel of independent experts will evaluate the applications in order to select 52 finalists (short- listed cases).

Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria:
1- Relevance (10 points)
2- Impact (25 points)
3- Innovation (20 points)
4- Potential for sharing good practice (25 points)
5- Management approach (10 points)
6- Communication and dissemination approach (10 points)

Thanks in advance for your help,

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