On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 14:25:46 -0800, Matt Hamilton <ma...@netsight.co.uk> wrote:

Since Oreilly are big on Open Source... a figure such as 'Plone is in the top 5% of Open Source projects' or some such would be possibly of use. I can't remember if that stat is right, or the source... maybe someone else here can find the actual figure and source.

Actually, it was "top 2%" according to Ohloh.

Here's what I have in the sidebar on the new plone.org site:

Plone is one of the top 2% open source projects in the world, with over 200 core developers and more than 250 solution providers in more than 50 countries. The project has existed since 1999, is translated to more than 40 languages, and has the best security track record of any major CMS. It is owned by the Plone Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.


We're all (including Drupal) dead compared to Joomla anyway, if you want to trust what Google Trends tells you. Statistics are dangerous. ;)

Plone is interesting because it does stuff that Drupal doesn't do — workflow, versioning of content, document management (indexing of PDFs, Word, etc) and other more enterprise-related jobs. That's the spin you have to put on it, you can't compete with PHP-based systems on volume — and we're not trying to.

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net

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