Karl Horak wrote:

I've recently had several short interactions that called for highly crafted
elevator pitches.  One was to a senior corporate web staffer, another was to
my level one manager, and the last was to a senior manager.  Each needed an
answer to a different question.

Corp. Web staff:  How well has Plone been serving you and your customers
over the last four years?

Some ideas based on my last post's questions.

1. The top pain points they face are:

- keeping up with customer demands / hard to customize existing CMS

- ...

2. Plone provides these solutions for that pain:

- Out of the box Plone provides a powerful content management constuction kit which any user can use through their web browser without needed programming knowlege

- Self-service publishing lets you delegate with review capabilities.

- ...

4. Some people say bad things about Plone which we will address:

- It is hard to setup. => The new 3.2 buildout based installer makes Plone easy to setup and keep up to date. The buildout technology makes it easy to install Plone's numerous add-ons as well.

- You need to know Python => Complex portals and web sites can be created managing thousands of documents without needing to know anything about python. Only a customizer would require this.

5. The outcome we want is (eg download, ask for more info, etc):

- download Plone and use the evaluation guide to walk through the important features

- become excited and make a strong recommendation on the use of plone

I'm sure there's things I missed / are actually incorrect ;)

Direct Reporting Manager:  Web sites are a dime a dozen these days.  What
makes this Plone thing different?  How can we turn this capability into new
projects and departmental growth?

Senior Manager:  Why should we be using these Web 2.0 technologies at all?

Maybe we can pull in some thinking from other great luminaries out there regarding this point.

Then point to how Plone can take on some of these things.

As you can see, some people grok the Web and others don't.  Some see $$,
others don't.  Getting the context right for a reply is almost as important
as the elevator pitch itself.

Right, that's why I think we will need a multi dimensional approach the message.


To be continued...

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