Yesterday, Karl Horak and I went over the awards proposal I've been working on for what I've recently been calling the Plone Community Awards. We both agree it's developed enough to bring to the marketing committee, and are trying to polish off a couple 'TBD' items in time for next week's committee meeting.

Between now and then, it'd be much appreciated if you'd check out the most recent version of the proposal, posted at the Plone Marketing Open Plans site:

As outlined, the process is a little different from many industry or community choice-style awards, and hopefully improves a bit on some of the obvious flaws that many of these kinds of things tend to have.

The proposal is in two parts: the first half is a quick rundown of the idea, and the second half tries to spell out some of the thinking and justification behind it.

As a quick overview:
-There's an open call to the Plone community for awards in five categories -The categories attempt to reflect the widest possible range of organized activity in the ecosystem, including non-code projects -The open call announces the criteria that each category will be judged on & encourages people to shore up weak spots before entry
-People self-nominate
-The self-nomination includes 'giving yourself a grade' in how technically and conceptually well you've done -The self-nominations are used as a basis for narrowing the field in each category -There's general voting on the finalists that takes place during/near the annual Plone Conference

There are a couple loose threads and queries to address, but we both feel none of them are showstoppers. We'd like to get the proposal polished enough to take to the Board for their blessing, and any comments or critique you may have would be helpful to that end.

We'll try to have comments addressed, or at least mulled over, by next week's meeting.


Matt Fisher

Matt Fisher
twitter: matt_fisher

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