'statistically speakin" hehe, keep up the good work man!

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Ben Fhala <b...@anxpl.com> wrote:

> I got a few up my sleeve ;). A good friend Corban when we worked together
> on a project checked it out and that's how it really started to become
> public .
> We past it through a few friends gathered feedback tried to make it better
> and released it to the world.
> http://everythingfla.com/
> is really my main job these days well i wouldn't call it job my main love
> these days ;)
> but I'll get back to this project and others as I free up more at some
> point this year I hope.
> Thanks for the support people like you are what make me want to share. :P
> your 1 out of 600(ha statistically speaking that is  ;)
> --
> Best,
> *B*en *F*hala
> http://everythingfla.com
> The ActionScript & Flash School
> follow us on  @everythingFLA <http://twitter.com/everythingFLA>  ][
> Subscribe to  Youtube  <http://www.youtube.com/user/everythingFLA>][ Like
> us on FaceBook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/EverythingFLA/163976036972550>
> EverythingFLA is part of Everything Nice ,inc creations.
> -----
> Up-to $24,000 in goods in our Feb/11 giveaway can be yours. Want to learn
> flash and/or help others know us.  http://bit.ly/h2IlPK
>  --
> --
> http://fla.as/ec


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