Looking at the Debian wiki
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsChemnitzerLinuxTage2010 and
I envy them very much how well they are organized going to events and
how many events they participate. I'd like to reach a similar level of
organization and surpass their activity by a lot.

One of the hard things with YAPC - I guess - is that almost every year
a new group of people are organizing them so the experience does not
get passed well. Let's build  this events group around people who
participate in several events and thus teach each other how to get

Let's start by capturing what we learned from FOSDEM and collect them
on the wiki page http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?events

I also created two separate pages specifically for FOSDEM 2010
and CeBit 2010: http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl5/index.cgi?events_2010_cebit

Dirk, Erik, Dave, Salve
and if other people who were on  FOSDEM are around, please update the
FOSDEM page with the relevant items that will be useful to whoever
organizes the next Perl stand on FOSDEM and on other events.

please describe the source of the items and let's try to save the
art-work you created in a place that is accessible by anyone who wants
to reuse them in case you are not available. BTW I think we need a new
batch of tuits and postcards but we should discuss this with Renee
before to see how we allocate our budget.

let's try to fill the CeBit page with the list of missing items and
see how we can fill the void. Please contact all the people who you
know that might participate on CeBit and ask them when could they be
at the stand? Which day or which half day?

Everyone else. Please help us getting organized for CeBit and take
some of the design and production work from us. If you know any other
organization that might want to finance the giveaways items, let's
talk to see how this can be turned into reality?


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