On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Renée Bäcker
<mailinglis...@renee-baecker.de> wrote:
> Hi *,
> I expect that the LiveDVD .iso is finished by Sunday. Does anybody know
> where we can get the DVD manufactured?
> How many LiveDVDs do we need?
> We have a budget of 500 US$ given by the TPF, what do we need to get with
> this budget?
> @Gabor are there any left overs from FOSDEM?

A very rough estimate is that we have about 1/3 of everything:
1) tuits
2) postcards with the list of events an a list of projects
3) name-cards with "We suck at marketing"

I have both the standing and the horizontal Perl banner and I am
bringing them along.


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