Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Stefan Hornburg (Racke)
<ra...@linuxia.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to submit the following Perl talk for FOSDEM:
> Title: ‎Template::Zoom - Modern HTML and PDF En­gine‎
> Abstract:
> Template::Zoom enables you to completely separate web design and programming
> tasks for dynamic web applications.
> Templates are plain HTML files without inline code or mini language, thus
> making it easy to maintain them for web designers and to preview them with
> a browser.
> The CSS selectors in the template are tied to your data structures or
> objects by a specification, which relieves the programmer from changing
> his code for mere changes of class names.
> In addition to HTML output, Template::Zoom also supports generation of
> PDF files on-the-fly based on the same template and specification.
> Me:
> Perl programmer from Germany, talks at various events
> about Perl and Linux (Interchange, NetFilter, ClamAV, Courier
> Wiki::Toolkit, Request Tracker, ...)
> Regards
>        Racke

Same as with Paulo, could you please add the talk to
https://www.socialtext.net/perl5/index.cgi?events_2011_fosdem ?

and add yourself as well to the wiki.


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