Hi, Perl & NUUG people!

Just got a mail from Tobias Torrissen (one of the javaBin guys, who are the people organizing JavaZone,) where he asked if anyone in the different software communities in Oslo wanted to have a stand at the conference.

About JavaZone: It's one of the larger yearly Java conferences, and the largest one in north Europe, drawing more than 2300 people each year.


The conference is *NEXT WEEK* (sep 8-9) so if any of the locals (or anyone else nearby) want to make this happen, then we'll have to get hold of any marketing material quickly.

We've been offered a 1m wide/2.5m tall wall section of a 12m2 area (presumably 3x4m) and will have to share this with other communities who'd like to show themselves off at JavaZone. We're probably talking about 7-8 wall sections/communities, but with the short deadline it's not guaranteed all of them will be used (first come first served, if necessary.) JavaZone supplies a coffee machine, a somewhat visually appealing "drop in" setup, and lots and lots of people.

Are there any banners or other useful marketing material available on short notice?

Oh, and an added bonus: Jonathan Worthington is scheduled to give a presentation in Oslo for the Norwegian Unix Users Group, titled "Perl 6: For the little tools and the large applications" (About "how various features of Perl 6 make things easier for those writing one liners, those writing small tools and those writing much larger things.")

Jonathan's talk is on september 14th (the tuesday directly after the conference!) so promoting that talk is probably also a good idea for creating further visibility around both Perl, Oslo.pm and NUUG. :D

- Salve J. Nilsen (Oslo.pm)

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getc DATA}$"="'};&{'";@_=unpack("C*",unpack("u*",':4@,$'.#     <s...@foo.no>
'2!--"5-(50P%$PL,!0X354UC-PP%/0\`'."\n"));eval "&{'@_'}";   __END__ is near! :)

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