
Deadline is 17th of June.
To submit a proposal, you can visit

By the way, if you want me to setup a little booth, send me some swag for it.
Also I can put some brochures inside the bags we'll give to participants.


Στις 05/04/2013 06:08 μμ, ο/η Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) έγραψε:

The new call for papers deadline is 17th of June.
For more information, check the announcement


Στις 01/04/2013 06:26 μμ, ο/η Frank Karlitschek έγραψε:
Hi Stathis,

I'm not sure if anyone did it already. I also can't promise yet that I can attend. I plan to but not sure if I have time. If someone else wants to do it please do :-)


On 29.03.2013, at 22:59, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) <> wrote:


Did anyone applied for presentation-booth?
The deadline is on April 3, 2013.

Have fun,

Στις 20/02/2013 07:55 μμ, ο/η Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) έγραψε:

I already wrote about it.
I'm with organizers, it's in my city, I'll be here.
Registration and cfp is open.
Check out the sponsorship brochure and apply for booth.
I have few swag that Holger sent me (I hope I have some left after another Greek conference I'll attend).

Have a lot of fun,

Στις 20/02/2013 06:20 μμ, ο/η Klaas Freitag έγραψε:

Who is going? I obviously could :)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [opensuse-announce] oSC13: Kicking off with CfP and Registration
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 17:08:49 +0100
From: Henne Vogelsang <>
Organization: openSUSE Project
To: openSUSE Announce <>

People, Friends, G(r)eekos,

The openSUSE Conference (oSC13) team is pleased to announce that
registration has opened and our paper committee calls out for submission of session proposals! From July 18 until July 22 2013, Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece, will be host to the fifth oSC. Hundreds
of hackers from around the globe will come to the country where the
modern Age of Reason started. In the place where over 2500 years ago
great thinkers sat down and taught the art of logical and critical
thinking, we will sit down and talk critically about logic and code.
Read on to find out how to register and where to send your session

Registration is open
You can now register for oSC13 using our conference tool.

Registration for the event will remain open until the conference starts
on July 18th. However, if you don’t register as early as possible
(within 2 weeks of the event) we may not be able to ensure sufficient
space for everyone at the lunch and party locations and we will have
less chance of negotiating preferred room rates for you at hotels. So
please, please, pretty please register as early as possible!

As in previous years registration and attendance of oSC13 is free of
charge. But you can support the event by purchasing supporter tickets
($50) or professional tickets ($250) during registration. Funds from
these ticket sales are a very important part of the budget for the
overall conference. The money is used to fund the event and help with
the openSUSE Travel Support Program to allow as many contributors as
possible to attend the event.

As supporter or professional ticket holder you will receive a special
thank you surprise upon check-in.

Sponsoring oSC
Are you looking to do more that buying a ticket? Sponsorship
opportunities of oSC13 are available. If you think about sponsoring or
(might) know a potential sponsor please see our sponsorship brochure.

Call for Papers
Starting today, the oSC13 Paper Committee is ready to receive your
proposals for sessions! Talk, Workshop and Birds of a Feather session
submissions should be focused in the following 3 areas; Community &
Project, Geeko tech, and openWorld. Submit your abstracts, workshop and
BoF session proposals in our conference tool. The submission period
begins today, Tuesday February 19 and ends on April 3, 2013. Session
owners will be notified no later than April 24, 2013.

Community & Project
Sessions in this area should focus on the openSUSE project and community activities, including but not limited to project governance, marketing, artwork, ambassador reports and collaboration with other FOSS communities.

Geeko Tech
Sessions in this area should focus on openSUSE technologies such as
packaging, the distribution, the openSUSE infrastructure etc.


For this area we invite other FOSS projects to share their work and
collaborate with the openSUSE community. Sessions are not limited to
technical content, you may choose to talk about your favorite pet
project such as building a boat, a robot, or other interesting topics.

About oSC13 – Power to the Geeko
The openSUSE conference is the annual gathering of many that support the openSUSE project and other FOSS contributors and enthusiasts. The event
in Thessaloniki will be our 5th conference and we expect it to once
again be a great success. The talks, workshops and BoF sessions provide the framework to exchange information and knowledge. In this framework
we provide a great atmosphere for collaboration and the creation of
lasting connections and memories.

The “Power to the Geeko” motto of this year’s conference connects us
with the past of our host country while looking into the future as we
continue on our way to changing the world.

We’ll have fun!
The Greek Philosophers were part of a revolution which changed the
world. So are we, and thus, under the motto of “Power to the Geeko”, we will gather and work on our revolution. Lets get those gears spinning,
submit your session proposals, register your attendance, help us find
sponsors and make the next openSUSE conference an awesome event.

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