Good Morning,

Has anyone experienced issues with line-item worksheets printing on separate 
pages after completing recent Chrome updates? We've recently received the 
following inquiry from a system within the Cardinal consortium and wanted to 
see if anyone else has run into these issues.  We are currently using Evergreen 
3-9-1 . Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

"After the recent Chrome update, line-item worksheets accessed from the 
Acquisitions Search page in Evergreen are printing with the worksheet on one 
page and the buttons at the top (Open in New Window and Refresh) on a separate 
page. They weren't printing separately before the update. I have printing 
preferences set to ignore blank pages, but the page with the buttons prints in 
addition to the worksheet.

If I click "Open in New Window," the buttons do not appear, and I can print the 
page like I did prior to the Chrome update. (This would be an extra step in a 
workflow where I'm printing hundreds of worksheets a week, so I'd like to avoid 
this step.)

When opened from Acquisitions Search, my normal workflow, the worksheet's link 
The link for the worksheet opened with "Open in New Window" is";


Warm Regards,
Courtney Brown
Evergreen-general mailing list

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