On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 8:00 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

* >John, CRT, Cathode Ray Tubing has been all over the news and here is a
> Real Clear article about it.*

I thought you said the movement to abandon flat screens and go back to
bulky 21 inch Cathode Ray Tubes had been censored, so how the hell could it
be all over the news?  It's like saying "*that restaurant is always so
crowded nobody goes there anymore*".

> *Here, at least is The Washington Post acknowledging for once, that the
> Corporate Censorship exists*

Please explain to me how on earth it could be possible even in theory for a
corporation to engage in censorship. If an editor decides not to print
something that may or may not be an example of bad journalism depending on
circumstances, but it is most certainly not censorship, he may want to
censor but he can't because only governments have the power to engage in

> > This does not bode well for this nation John

You voted for Trump and even after January 6 you're still proud of it for
god's sake! With judgment that abysmal you're in no position to tell
anybody what does not bode well for this nation and expect to be taken

John K Clark.      See what's on my new list at   Extropolis
' z

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