All this talk of quantum immortality seems like anthropocentric wishful thinking to me.

You are a process. All physical objects are best understood as slow processes.

A life process is a very complex physical pattern, which is an arrangement of matter and energy in space-time,
that has properties that allow it to cannibalize other matter and energy in its vicinity to retain its form for
a while, but only for a while...

The kind of process, or pattern, that you are has built-in time limits in it, which have to do with the
imperfect maintenance of order in your bodily subprocesses (cellular processes).

In other words, the kind of hoops that (Earthly) organic processes go through to be self-reproducing, and
form-differentiating, and non-destructively evolvable, and so forth, seem to have limitations in their
perfection of operation, as far as maintaining the existence of the individual organism. The individual
organism's form does not HAVE to persist immortally, to ensure persistence of the self-reproducing
pattern (species, ecosystems) as a whole. In fact it would be counterproductive to the persistence of the
species and ecosystem as a whole if the individual organism patterns persisted indefinitely. So the pattern
rules allow the intercession of disorder to eventually destroy each individual organism pattern. (When
that process has run its useful (i.e. reproductive, and possibly meme-contributing) course.)

I cannot imagine an alternate possible world in which a process would be constructed
essentially as you are (as your process is), and yet would somehow miraculously avoid
the cell replication errors and cell replication cessation that comes with age in our
organic bodies. It would seem to be that only ridiculously small-measure scenarios could
permit this kind of implausible immortality of organic structures, at least or organic structures
bearing any great similarity to ours.

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