Some of you may be interested in viewing my 2.5-hour YouTube video 
describing my Ross Model of the Cosmos.  Just go to YouTube and search for 
"Ross" and "tronnies".  My model is a proposed replacement for the Standard 
Model, Einstein Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.

The Standard Model needs 17 fundamental particles to describe our 
Universe.  My model describes the entire Cosmos (including our Universe) 
with only one particle and its anti-particle.

Einstein Relativity includes a speed-of-light speed limit.  In my model the 
mass/energy component of every photon travels in a perfect circle at twice 
the speed of light while the  photon travels forward at the speed of 
light.  Many galaxies travel much faster than the speed of light.

Quantum Mechanics is complicated.  Richard Feynman is quoted as saying: "If 
you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum 
mechanics."  My model is extremely easy to understand.  And according to my 
model the Cosmos is as symmetrical as it could possibly be.

Tronnies are point particles with a charge of plus e or minus e.  Every 
electron is made of two minus tronnies and one plus tronnie and every 
positron is made of two plus tronnies and one minus tronnie.  All elctrons 
and all positrons are the exact same size and in them the tronnies circle 
with a frequency of 160 trillion-trillion cycles per second.  One plus 
tronnie and one minus tronnie make an "entron".  Entrons represent the 
energy/mass of every photon in the Cosmos.  The two tronnies of the entron 
travel in perfect circles at a speed of (pi)c/2 with diameters ranging 
from a little less than a billionth of a billionth of a meter to about one 
meter.  Everything else in the Cosmos is made from electrons, positrons and 
entrons.  My book is Tronnies, The Source of the Coulomb Force.  It is 
available at 

John Ross 

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