Re: The seven step-Mathematical preliminaries

2009-06-17 Thread Quentin Anciaux

2009/6/17 Torgny Tholerus

 Bruno Marchal skrev:

 I agree with Quentin.
 You are just showing that the naive notion of set is inconsistent.
 Cantor already knew that, and this is exactly what forced people to
 develop axiomatic theories. So depending on which theory of set you
 will use, you can or cannot have an universal set (a set of all sets).
 In typical theories, like ZF and VBG (von Neuman Bernay Gödel) the
 collection of all sets is not a set.

 It is not the naive notion of set that is inconsistent.  It is the naive
 *handling* of sets that is inconsistent.

 This problem has two possible solutions.  One possible solution is to
 deny that it is possible to create the set of all sets.  This solution
 is chosen by ZF and VBG.

 The second possible solution is to be very careful of the domain of the
 All quantificator.  You are not allowed to substitute an object that is
 not included in the domain of the quantificator.  It is this second
 solution that I have chosen.

 What is illegal in the two deductions below, is the substitutions.
 Because the sets A and B do not belong to the domain of the All

 You can define existence by saying that only that which is incuded in
 the domain of the All quantificator exists.  In that case it is correct
 to say that the sets A and B do not exist, because they are not included
 in the domain.  But I think this is a too restrictive definition of
 existence.  It is fully possible to talk about the set of all sets.  But
 you must then be *very* careful with what you do with that set.  That
 set is a set, but it does not belong to the set of all sets, it does not
 belong to itself.  It is also a matter of definition; if you define
 set as the same as belonging to the set of all sets, then the set of
 all sets is not a set.  This is a matter of taste.  You can choose
 whatever you like, but you must be aware of your choice.  But if you
 restrict yourself too much, then your life will be poorer...

  In NF, some have developed
 structure with universal sets, and thus universe containing
 themselves. Abram is interested in such universal sets. And, you can
 interpret the UD, or the Mandelbrot set as (simple) model for such
 type of structure.

 Your argument did not show at all that the set of natural numbers
 leads to any trouble. Indeed, finitism can be seen as a move toward
 that set, viewed as an everything, potentially infinite frame (for
 math, or beyond math, like it happens with comp).

 The problem of naming (or given a mathematical status) to all sets
 is akin to the problem of giving a name to God. As Cantor was
 completely aware of. We are confused on this since we exist. But the
 natural numbers, have never leads to any confusion, despite we cannot
 define them.

 The proof that there is no biggest natural number is illegal, because
 you are there doing an illegal deduction, you are there doing an illegal
 substitution, just the same as in the deductions below with the sets A
 and B.  You are there substituting an object that is not part of the
 domain of the All quatificator.

No the proof is based on PA and in PA you do not have an axiom
restricting the successor function and as such it is defined in the
axiom that you don't have an upper bound limit. The proof is *valid*
against the axioms. *You* are doing an illegal deduction by not taking
into accound the rules with wich you work.


 Torgny Tholerus

 You argument against the infinity of natural numbers is not valid. You
 cannot throw out this little infinite by pointing on the problem
 that some terribly big infinite, like the set of all sets,  leads
 to trouble. That would be like saying that we have to abandon all
 drugs because the heroin is very dangerous.
 It is just non valid.

 Normally, later  I will show a series of argument very close to
 Russell paradoxes, and which will yield, in the comp frame,
 interesting constraints on what computations are and are not.


 On 13 Jun 2009, at 13:26, Torgny Tholerus wrote:

 Quentin Anciaux skrev:

 2009/6/13 Torgny Tholerus

 What do you think about the following deduction?  Is it legal or
 Define the set A of all sets as:

 For all x holds that x belongs to A if and only if x is a set.

 This is an general rule saying that for some particular symbol-
 string x
 you can always tell if x belongs to A or not.  Most humans who think
 about mathematics can understand this rule-based definition.  This
 holds for all and every object, without exceptions.

 So this rule also holds for A itself.  We can always substitute A
 x.  Then we will get:

 A belongs to A if and only if A is a set.

 And we know that A is a set.  So from this we can deduce:

 A beongs to A.
 Quentin, what do you think?  Is this deduction legal or illegal?

 It depends if you allow a set to be part of itselft or not.

 If you 

Re: The seven step-Mathematical preliminaries

2009-06-17 Thread Torgny Tholerus

Bruno Marchal skrev:

 I agree with Quentin.
 You are just showing that the naive notion of set is inconsistent.  
 Cantor already knew that, and this is exactly what forced people to  
 develop axiomatic theories. So depending on which theory of set you  
 will use, you can or cannot have an universal set (a set of all sets).  
 In typical theories, like ZF and VBG (von Neuman Bernay Gödel) the  
 collection of all sets is not a set.

It is not the naive notion of set that is inconsistent.  It is the naive 
*handling* of sets that is inconsistent.

This problem has two possible solutions.  One possible solution is to 
deny that it is possible to create the set of all sets.  This solution 
is chosen by ZF and VBG.

The second possible solution is to be very careful of the domain of the 
All quantificator.  You are not allowed to substitute an object that is 
not included in the domain of the quantificator.  It is this second 
solution that I have chosen.

What is illegal in the two deductions below, is the substitutions.  
Because the sets A and B do not belong to the domain of the All 

You can define existence by saying that only that which is incuded in 
the domain of the All quantificator exists.  In that case it is correct 
to say that the sets A and B do not exist, because they are not included 
in the domain.  But I think this is a too restrictive definition of 
existence.  It is fully possible to talk about the set of all sets.  But 
you must then be *very* careful with what you do with that set.  That 
set is a set, but it does not belong to the set of all sets, it does not 
belong to itself.  It is also a matter of definition; if you define 
set as the same as belonging to the set of all sets, then the set of 
all sets is not a set.  This is a matter of taste.  You can choose 
whatever you like, but you must be aware of your choice.  But if you 
restrict yourself too much, then your life will be poorer...

  In NF, some have developed  
 structure with universal sets, and thus universe containing  
 themselves. Abram is interested in such universal sets. And, you can  
 interpret the UD, or the Mandelbrot set as (simple) model for such  
 type of structure.

 Your argument did not show at all that the set of natural numbers  
 leads to any trouble. Indeed, finitism can be seen as a move toward  
 that set, viewed as an everything, potentially infinite frame (for  
 math, or beyond math, like it happens with comp).

 The problem of naming (or given a mathematical status) to all sets  
 is akin to the problem of giving a name to God. As Cantor was  
 completely aware of. We are confused on this since we exist. But the  
 natural numbers, have never leads to any confusion, despite we cannot  
 define them.

The proof that there is no biggest natural number is illegal, because 
you are there doing an illegal deduction, you are there doing an illegal 
substitution, just the same as in the deductions below with the sets A 
and B.  You are there substituting an object that is not part of the 
domain of the All quatificator.

Torgny Tholerus

 You argument against the infinity of natural numbers is not valid. You  
 cannot throw out this little infinite by pointing on the problem  
 that some terribly big infinite, like the set of all sets,  leads  
 to trouble. That would be like saying that we have to abandon all  
 drugs because the heroin is very dangerous.
 It is just non valid.

 Normally, later  I will show a series of argument very close to  
 Russell paradoxes, and which will yield, in the comp frame,  
 interesting constraints on what computations are and are not.


 On 13 Jun 2009, at 13:26, Torgny Tholerus wrote:

 Quentin Anciaux skrev:
 2009/6/13 Torgny Tholerus

 What do you think about the following deduction?  Is it legal or  
 Define the set A of all sets as:

 For all x holds that x belongs to A if and only if x is a set.

 This is an general rule saying that for some particular symbol- 
 string x
 you can always tell if x belongs to A or not.  Most humans who think
 about mathematics can understand this rule-based definition.  This  
 holds for all and every object, without exceptions.

 So this rule also holds for A itself.  We can always substitute A  
 x.  Then we will get:

 A belongs to A if and only if A is a set.

 And we know that A is a set.  So from this we can deduce:

 A beongs to A.
 Quentin, what do you think?  Is this deduction legal or illegal?

 It depends if you allow a set to be part of itselft or not.

 If you accept, that a set can be part of itself, it makes your
 deduction legal regarding the rules.
 OK, if we accept that a set can be part of itself, what do you think
 about the following deduction? Is it legal or illegal?

 Define the set B of all sets that do not belong to itself as:

Abstract: Cognitive Reflectivity

2009-06-17 Thread marc.geddes

I tripped over my own boot-laces and stumbled – whacking my head.
Bent over to rub my head and retie the damn laces, all a sudden I had
the following quick rough thoughts for a paper:

'Cognitive Reflectivity'
Marc Geddes
Melbourne, Australia
18th June, 2009


A change in the goal-system of an agent is equivalent to a change in
the way in which knowledge is represented by the agent.  It follows
that it is equivalent to a change in the complexity of the program
representing the agent.  Thus we require a method of comparing the
complexity of strings in order to ensure that relevant program
structure is preserved with state transitions over time.  Standard
probability theory cannot be used because; (1) Consistent probability
calculations require implicit universal generalizations, but a
universal measure of the complexity of  finite strings is a logical
impossibility (fromGodel, Lob theorems); and (2) Standard measures of
complexity (e.g Kolmogorov complexity) from information theory deal
only with one aspect of information (i.e.  Shannon information), and
fail to consider semantic content. The solution must resolve both
these problems.

Regarding (2) the solution is as follows:, information theory is
generalized to deal with the actual meaning of information  (i.e . the
semantics of Shannon information) .The generalized definition of the
complexity of a finite string is based on the conceptual clustering of
semantic categories specifying the knowledge a string represents.  The
generation of hierarchical category structures representing the
knowledge in a string is also associated with a generalization of
Occam’s razor.   The justification for Occam’s razor and the problem
of priors in induction is resolved by defining ‘utility’ in terms of
‘aesthetic goodness’, which is the degree of integration of different
concept hierarchies.  This considers the process through which a
theory is generated;  it is a form of process-oriented evaluation.

Regarding (1); The Godel limitation is bypassed by using relative
complexity measures of pairs of strings .  This requires generalizing
standard Bayesian induction ; in fact induction is merely a special
case of a new form of case-based reasoning (analogical reasoning) .
Analogical reasoning can be formalized by utilizing concepts from
category theory to implement prototype theory, where mathematical
categories are regarded as semantic categories. Semantic concepts
representing the knowledge encoded in strings can be considered to
reside in multi-dimensional feature space, and this enables mappings
between concepts; such mappings are defined by functors representing
conceptual distance; this gives a formal definition of an analogy.
The reason this overcomes the Godel limitation and is more general
than induction is because it always enables relative comparisons of
the complexity of pairs of strings. This is because case-based
reasoning depends only on the specific details on the strings being
compared, whereas induction makes implicit universal generalizations,
and thus fails.

To summarize:  Induction is shown to be merely a special case of a new
type of generalized case-based (analogical) reasoning. Concepts from
category theory enable a formal definition of an analogy, which is
based on the notion of conceptual distance between concepts. The
notion of complexity is generalized to deal with semantics, where the
information in a string is considered to be a concept hierarchy. This
enables comparisons between pairs of strings; relations between
strings are defined in terms of the mappings between concepts, and the
mapping is evaluated in terms of its aesthetic goodness.  Godelian
limitations are overcome, since analogical reasoning always enables a
comparison of the relative complexity between any two finite strings.
Further the new metric of aesthetic goodness ensures that the relevant
program structure is preserved between state transitions and thus
maintains a stable goal system.


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