Hi Selva,

   A straightforward and dry answer would be: "it is a consequence of
the Einstein field equations of General Relativity (GR)", and one
could then go on to do a derivation which demonstrates the time
dilation near a large dense mass.  The more interesting question
(which I think is what you are really getting at) is: "Well, ok, fine,
but why do we exist in a universe which is governed by the equations
of GR?"  I think the answer to this intriguing question lies in a
combination of (at least) three parts.

  The first is that GR includes Special Relativity (SR) as the limit
in flat spacetime (and also in "small, local" regions in curved
spacetime).  SR essentially stems from having an absolute speed limit
(in our case the speed of light), and an absolute speed limit is
"useful" because it makes causality well defined (e.g. the toddler
threw their juice on the floor because they weren't allowed any more
cookies, the dog then licks up the juice, the dog proceeds to pee on
the rug, etc. etc., the dad drives out to the beer store, etc.
etc...).  SR then links together space and time in a way which is
quite non-intuitive to us (which isn't too surprising since the speed
of light is so much faster than anything we deal with at the everyday
level) - so that for instance a clock moving past at high velocity
runs more slowly.

  As noted SR is then essentially embedded within the curved spacetime
of GR.  Why then should spacetime be curved?  There are at least 2
good reasons: 1) it allows for a big bang to happen, thus "starting
things off" in a state of low entropy.  And also: 2) GR includes
Newtonian gravity as the standard limiting case, which allows for very
long-lived orbits (in 3 spatial dimensions) as needed by biological
evolution to generate complex organisms.  And, now that I think about
it, eternal inflation (essentially preceding the big bang) allows for
"viable" effective field theories to be found among a landscape of
vacua, so that in total the big bang produces viable (~ Standard
Model) environments in an initial state of low entropy.

  I'd thus roughly guess that time dilation near massive bodies is
essentially a "side effect" of the equations that produce these other
vital effects... (althought conceivably there could also be some
reason for time dilation to be "useful" at some distant point in the


On May 29, 2:39 pm, selva <selvakr1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> why is there time dilation near a heavy mass ??
> On May 17, 12:31 am, selva <selvakr1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hi everyone,
> > can someone explain me what a time warp is ? or why there is a time
> > warp ?
> > well yes,it is due to the curvature of the space-time graph near a
> > heavy mass.
> > but how does it points to the center of the mass,how does it finds
> > it..
> > and explanation at atomic level plz..

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