Re: How would a computer know if it were conscious?

2007-06-03 Thread Jayceetout

"Hal Finney" wrote:
> Part of what I wanted to get at in my thought experiment is the
> bafflement and confusion an AI should feel when exposed to human ideas
> about consciousness.  Various people here have proffered their own
> ideas, and we might assume that the AI would read these suggestions,
> along with many other ideas that contradict the ones offered here.
> It seems hard to escape the conclusion that the only logical response
> is for the AI to figuratively throw up its hands and say that it is
> impossible to know if it is conscious, because even humans cannot agree
> on what consciousness is.
> In particular I don't think an AI could be expected to claim that it
> knows that it is conscious, that consciousness is a deep and intrinsic
> part of itself, that whatever else it might be mistaken about it could
> not be mistaken about being conscious.  I don't see any logical way it
> could reach this conclusion by studying the corpus of writings on the
> topic.  If anyone disagrees, I'd like to hear how it could happen.
> And the corollary to this is that perhaps humans also cannot legitimately
> make such claims, since logically their position is not so different
> from that of the AI.  In that case the seemingly axiomatic question of
> whether we are conscious may after all be something that we could be
> mistaken about.
> Hal

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Re: A sequel to my 1996 "ultimate ensemble theory" paper

2007-04-18 Thread Jayceetout

Hi Max,
In line with my preoccupation and passion: consciousness. I
confine my comments to that narrow scope and offer the following
observations (which I did with my phenomenal consciousness! :-)

Page 4 Section D.
I cannot utter a 'WOOHOO!' too loud here, to finally see these kinds
of words appearing. There is a long record on this forum of me trying
to get people to _really_  grasp the nature of  the difference between
"Description/Appearance(apparent causal necessity)/Phenomenon" to
"Explanation/Actual Causal Necessity/Noumenon". In Max's work we
clearly have the arrival of a scientifically valid noumenon.

You may be aware that I have been raving on ad nauseum here recently
about my "EC", which literally is a 'MUH'. The universe literally 'is'
an instantated EC, say MUHcol. We humans are literally an ongoing
proof written in EC.albeit of a different nature to the one
proposed, say MUHmax. The difference between MUHmax and MUHcol are not
important - the fact of the clear appreciation and expression of the
ontological/epistemological 'cut' (as Howard Pattee[2] puts it) and
distinction is what is important. ..the words clearly
distinguish 'being' from 'appearance'. They embed the origins of all
knowledge as sourced subjectively from within itthrough the
embedded agency of the FROG scientist's depiction of the BIRD side of
the cut.

More than that, the words emerge in a way that is hard to argue
against without appearing (at least methodologically/virtually) to
hold rather bizarre views about the ontology (underlying reality) of
the universe - ...far more bizarre than any the final
para clearly shows. so YES!

RE: Frogs and Birds
Having said the above, I detect a possible small crack in the Bird/
Frog depiction that might open up a door for  unfounded criticism
from those who struggle to see the difference between a noumenon and
phenomenon. What you are describing is what I have written about
(rather badly!) [1]: It is a 'dual aspect science'. What I described
there is the phenomenon aspect (T = FROG) and the 'noumenon' aspect
(T' = BIRD). Both are completely equivalent descriptions of the same
thing, the universe U(.) as T' and how that universe appears (T') when
you are made of it, inside it, with observational capacities delivered
by T', _not_ T. The 'helicopter/bird' view metaphor is not quite
right, IMO - the MUH is a noumenon and not to be confused with an
'objective view' (there is no such thing!)...the BIRD metaphor might
confuse things.

The missing subtlety, which undermines all empirical support for
MUHmax, is that both the  FROG's view _AND_ the BIRD's view are
equally supported by any and all empirical work. (with specific ref to
the isomorphism sentence on P4, section D). The FROG can lay no claim
to exclusive use of empirical work - for the noumenon is the thing
that is actually generating the 'observation' intrinsic in you
say on P4, top.'processes that give rise to the familiar
sensations of self awareness' ..that the FROG has... that are the
single, mandated and only sources of all scientific evidence (where
scientist = FROG, and everything about the MUH is a product of that
perspective). Without that faculty there is no science.

I hope I am making sense hereI don't think you have made enough
mileage out of this brute FROG/BIRD reality as regards their place as
equals in provision of DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION resp. using the same
evidence system: phenomenal consciousness.

RE: Final Note
There is one aspect to MUH which remains completely absent and which,
IMO, is absolutely vital to any real 'TOE'. Whilst recognizing
that 'it is like something' to be FROG.MUHmax provides no basis
for the necessity that it be 'like something' to be FROG under the
circumstances of being configured as a FROG. That 'contents of
consciousness/that which is seen/observed', is the single source of
all scientific evidence used in support of all FROG and BIRD MUH rule
sets (=FROG/BIRD aspect science)Fine...But nowhere is the paper
MUHmax explanatory of how the BIRD view/descriptions provide the
phenomenal consciousness that the FROG uses to do observation in
support of all propositions for either collection of rules. After is not the FROGs descriptions, derived _directly using_
observation of MUH that deliver the observations.this is
oxymoronic.rather it is the noumenon (The BIRD rules of MUHmax)
that delivers observation (the faculty of observation, through which
all FROG views are delivered).

A TOE must deliver 'everything', right? Well this chunk of
'everything' is not in the paper. None of the QM or anything else in
your paper does it, nor does it propose a principle upon which it may
be deliveredAFAICT. Maybe I missed it or have wires
crossedHaving said that, I don't believe you actually have to
deliver it right nowwhat is more important is mere
recognition of the need  and a clear de

Re: Duplicate email from everything-list

2006-06-22 Thread Jayceetout


I am still getting duplicate postings from my old address (from the old
'eskimo' list?), my old address is not a member of googlegroups!

Can someone please advise what is going on? How do I unsubscribe when
I'm not subscribed?

The sorting is a pain!


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Duplicate email from everything-list

2006-05-30 Thread Jayceetout

Am I the only one getting duplicate mails from the list?

Any clues as to what is going on?



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Re: Reasons and Persons

2006-05-30 Thread Jayceetout

Can I add a nuance that seems to be missing from this discourse?

What if the original 'programming' or 'configuration' of the neurons
(the entire brain including the neuron/astrocyte syncitium) was as a
single entity and intrinsically dynamic?

That is, the laying down of the brain configuration is to some extent
based on the manner(order) of exposure of new information and the net
of all prior history. Subsequent recall is then only possible via the
brain itself recreating the equivalent to the sensory feeds that
originally programmed them and that correspond to that which is
required to be recalled. An intrinsically dynamic associative memory
would behave like this.

We are all used to thinking of things in terms of static 'declarative'
(which I think may be a misnomer in brain function, not sure yet)
memory. In computers we are all used to dynamic declarative memory in
the form of the ubiquitous dynamic RAM (the memory stick) , where the
dynamic part is hidden from us in the hardware. We are able to point to
a location with a stick and say "that" information is stored "there".

But a dynamic associative memory is a very different beast.

If this is the case then at any moment during the conversion from one
brain configuration to another you would have to duplicate the sensory
feeds as well so as to completely duplicate (reprogram) the dynamic
transitional states so that you could claim to have properly performed
the conversion. If so then a neural level conversion becomes
inappropriate as the hardware replacement alone is not taking the
characteristics with it that we think are being taken. Neuron by neuron
replacement becomes arguably inappropriate to achieve the aim of the
thought experiment.

The neuron by neuron replacement is possibly a more valid thought
experiment tool for the (human <=> philosophical zombie) conversion,
but it could be inappropriate for (human A to human B) conversion.

Also assumed here is that astrocytes play no role, which is not

It would seem that this 'dynamic' aspect provides an nuance currently
missing, unless I have misinterpreted things. The real situation could
be far more complex than the thought experiment and thus the thought
experiment may be impoverishing the discussion by limiting our


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