Hi Bruno Marchal 

I have to confess that I have been of two minds  
on the subject of creation of structure and life:

a) creation of structure by an intelligent (meaning living) body or self
    (which requires subjectivity)

b) the act of structure creation without a self (and hence is objective)
    or life which would apply to comp and it looks like Peirce's categories
    and also self-organizing systems. This would be sumulated life.

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-17, 13:19:09 
Subject: Re: Computational Autopoetics 1 

On 17 Oct 2012, at 08:07, Russell Standish wrote: 

> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 03:39:18PM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
>> On 14 Oct 2012, at 23:27, Russell Standish wrote: 
>>> On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 04:44:11PM -0400, Roger Clough wrote: 
>>>> "Computational Autopoetics" is a term I just coined to denote 
>>>> applying basic concepts 
>>>> of autopoetics to the field of comp. You mathematicians are free 
>>>> to do it more justice 
>>>> than I can. I cannot guarantee that the idea hasn't already been 
>>>> exploited, but I have 
>>>> seen no indication of that. 
>>>> The idea is this: that we borrow a basic characteristic of 
>>>> autopoetics, namely that life is 
>>>> essentially not a thing but the act of creation. This means that 
>>>> we define 
>>>> life as the creative act of generating structure from some input 
>>>> data. By this 
>>>> pramatic definition, it is not necessarily the structure that is 
>>>> produced that is alive, but 
>>>> life consists of the act of creating structure from assumedly 
>>>> structureless input data. 
>>>> Life is not a creation, but instead is the act of creation. 
>>> So any self-organised system should be called alive then? Sand  
>>> dunes, 
>>> huricanes, stars, galaxies. Hey, we've just found ET! 
>> I am not sure a galaxy, or a sand dune has a "self", unlike a cell, 
>> or a person. 
> You are, of course, correct that the self/other distinction is crucial 
> to life (and also of evolution - there has to be a unit of selection - 
> the replicator). 
> I was responding initially to Roger's claim that life is the act of 
> creating structure. Any self-organised system can do that. 


>> The self is directly related to the Dx = "xx" trick, for me. 
> The Dx=xx trick is about self-replication. Of course entities with a  
> sense 
> of the self/other distinction needn't replicate (eg certain robots). 

Self-replication and self-reference. And many self-transformation (in  
fact self-phi_i, for all i). 

Self-reference and self-replication, are basically the same processes,  
except that in replication you reproduce yourself relatively to some  
universal numbers "grossly" different than you, (the most probable  
physical world), and with self-reference you reproduce yourself  
mentally, that is with respect to the universal number you are. 

>>> Actually, I was just reading an interview with my old mate Charley 
>>> Lineweaver in New Scientist, and he was saying the same thing :). 
>>>> If life is such a creative act rather than a creation, then it 
>>>> seems to fit what 
>>>> I have been postulating as the basic inseparable ingredients of 
>>>> life: intelligence 
>>>> and free will. 
>>> I don't believe intelligence is required for creativity. Biological 
>>> evolution is undeniably creative. 
>> Is life more creative than the Mandelbrot set?, or than any 
>> "creative set" in the sense of Post (proved equivalent with Turing 
>> universality)? 
> I would say yes. The Mandelbrot set is self-similar, isn't it, so the 
> coarse-grained information content must be bounded, no matter how far 
> you zoom in. 

The M set is not just similar, the little M sets are surrounded by  
more and more complex infiltration of their filaments. So the closer  
you zoom, the more complex the set appears, and is, locally. 
It is most plausibly a compact, bounded, version of a universal  

> Life, on the other hand, exhibits unbounded information through 
> evolution, in contrast to all ALife simulations to date. 

To be fair you must look at some artificial evolution as long as life  
evolution. And both the M set and all creative set, or subcreative,  
(UD, UMs, LUMs, but also you and me, even without assuming comp) are  
like that in their extensions. Unbounded complexity. 

The M set is not only self-similar, but all its parts are similarly  
self-similar, making all zoom repeated 2, 4, 8, 16, ... times when you  
decide to focus on a minibrot. 

> I had a look at the Wikipedia entry on creative sets, and it didn't 
> make much sense, alas. 

OK. On the FOAR list, I will do soon, or a bit later, Church thesis,  
the phi_i and the W_i, and that will give the material to get the  
creative sets. 

Roughly speaking, a creative set is a machine (a recursively  
enumerable set of numbers) who complementary is constructively NOT  
recursively enumerable. It is a machine defining a natural sort of no-  
machine, capable to refute all attempt done by the machine to make it  
into a machine. 
john Myhill will prove that such set are equivalent (in some strong  
sense) to the universal Turing set (machine). 

If you remember the recursively enumerable set W_i,, and noting ~W_i  
for ( N minus W_i), N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} 

W_u is creative iff there is a computable function F producing, from y  
and u, for all W_y contained in ~W_u, a number c in ~W_u minus W_y. 

The attempt W_y of making ~W_u into a machine y, has failed, has now  
we are given a counterexample, the number c, which is in ~W_u, and yet  
not capture by W_y. 

~W_u is called a productive set. It is a NON recursively enumerable  
set (a non machine), but constructively so, as you can build a  
transfinite approximation of it, in a communicable way, up to  
omega_1^CK, (Church Kleene first non constructive ordinal), and beyond  
(but at the machine risk and peril). 

Truth, Arithmetical Truth, the set V of the G?el numbers of the true  
propositions, in (N, +, *) is a typical produce set. G?el first  
theorem is constructive: for all theories (recursively enumerbale  
sets) attempting to get V, the G?el diagonalization will provide a  
Godel number of a proposition true but not in the theory (the set of  
theorems of the theory). N minus Truth is also productive, Truth  
cannot be isomorphic to the complementary of a creative machine.  
Creative machine, or universal machine are sigma_1 complete, Truth is  
sigma_i complete for all i! 

  Note that I identify here a number or a machine, and its set of  
behaviors (input-output) or beliefs/theorems. 

More on this on FOAR asap :) 



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