First time post. Would it be possible to use the principles of QS as
an oracle? E.g. buy a lotto ticket before taking a flight, with the
that if you win some improbable amount in the lotto you do not take
the flight.
Perhaps this flight was extremely likely to crash and your odds of
survival are slim.
Would then your observer moment be more likely in the universe where
you win
some improbable amount (odds 1:10,000 maybe) in the lotto? This could
to any potentially dangerous choice you might make.

Similarly, assuming that QI is true, the survival probabilities at the
end cases (where you
are >150 yrs old) would get to be incredibly small, such that perhaps
healthy decisions
made when you are younger (i.e. never smoke, keep fit) would *greatly*
increase those probabilities
 (maybe even to 10^7 or in the range needed to win the lottery).
So, if you have unhealthy habits that you have no intention of
stopping, but bought a lotto
ticket with the intention of never drinking/smoking again if you won
some improbable amount,
it seems that your observer moment might be more likely in the
universe where you win.

My understanding of QI and the way that observer moments are chosen
may be mistaken,
just an idea I wanted to throw out before I gave the latter a try
(since there is really nothing to lose like
in QS).

On Jun 5, 9:28 am, Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forgive me if the following comment is ill-thought through as this is
> my first post to the group.
> It appears to me that, assuming QS is true, I should bet some
> reasonably substantial amount of cash at the local bookies that I will
> live to 110 or 120 years of age. Of course I will be around to collect
> it given QS. This does assume the bookies is still around to pay for
> it!
> Any thoughts/flames appreciated.
> Lawrence
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