A quantum theory of spacetime based on Leibniz's physics


Leibniz, the Idealist 17th century german philosopher, saw
the world in suprisingly modern terms:

a) Spacetime, since it is infinitely divisible, does not qualify as a 
since one can always divide space, what one considers to be a substance,  in 

b) Thus  space is only dimensional and intuitive but not physical. 
It is thus not absolute, as Newton saw it, but only a relative measure 
of distance between bodies, this distance not being physical but only 
It is an empty receptacle, sotospeak, filled entirely with monads (complete, 
real, mental concepts
of physical objects).

c) For this reason Einstein was able to invent and apply the concept of the 
relativity of space and

d) Leibniz believed, as di Einstein much later, that space was a raceway of 
possible paths,
these paths curved according to the mass of the object.  

e) That being so,  we can consider a particle with mass and its possible paths 
of travel,
as a particle-spacetime quantum, even through the "particle" might be the 

f) Due to the holographic nature of Leibniz's monadic particles, the universe 
is completely entangled and one
cannot change a part without changing the entire universe. Thus, for example, 
every action 
creates a reaction. The spacetime field of every particle being possible rather 
than actual
paths, the particle and its spacetime field is a quantum. Thus the universe 
consists of a possible universe,
which is a quantum probability field. 


Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
See my Leibniz site at

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