I am interested in applying Godel's and Turing's arguments to systems not ordinarily considered to be mathematical or having to do directly with discussions of "mind". This is interesting to me since if these arguments apply to universes and their generation then they should apply to all processes within universes and thus to a complete discussion of the Everything. I have made some attempts at constructing correspondences between the workings of a FAS, the process of manufacturing a product and the process of making rules such as the legislative process. I would like any comments and any information relative to earlier attempts to do similar things.

A FAS contains:

1) An Alphabet [Well Formed Formula [WFF] are sequences of alphabet elements [symbols].]

For Manufacturing the alphabet is the elements of the Periodic Table. The table symbols being a shorthand for actual atoms of the elements.

For Rules Making the alphabet is the elements of the periodic table [sometimes as single or collective symbols [such as "a person"], language symbols, and mathematic symbols.

2) Rules of Grammar: Is the formula well formed?

For Manufacturing the Rules of Grammar are the physics of the universe in question.

For Rule Making the rules of grammar are physics, language grammar, and mathematical grammar.

3) Rules of Inference [How to construct true WFF's from the axioms. That is how to construct valid proofs.

For Manufacturing the rules of inference are the manufacturing process [machines and process rules].

For Rule Making the Rules of Inference are the existing rules and the axioms.

4) Axioms - WFF taken to be true absent proof. [Some systems have none.]

For Manufacturing the axioms are the raw materials sometimes as a collective [Cu, Ag, wood, ceramic, etc.].

For Rules Making the axioms are WFF about specific system behavior.

A correspondence:

Theorem [True WFF] same as: Well made Product; and same as: Non conflicting Rule.


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