Worthwhile docu touching on the issues we've been looking at:

Horizon - The Secret You
some notes:

Mirror self awareness test - I think it shows how intellectual
consciousness gained but naive perception lost. The younger toddler's
interaction with the mirror image prefigures the conceit of intellect
to conflate image with reality. The baby intuitively relates to the
image as a separate visual phenomena, and not as a reflection of
himself. The second child has developed the more intellectual level of
awareness which equates seeing and believing - she has learned how to
read the text of her visual presentation through mirrors, but has
likely forever sacrificed her native solipsistic orientation for the
useful tyranny of self-image.

Tennis playing - Proves that we have to already know what we're
looking for to determine whether something is alive. If we had no
technology to scan the brain, we could not guess whether or not a coma
patient was conscious. Likewise, if we make something that acts like
we expect a person to act (like a movie of a person), we can't be sure
that it is conscious because there is no first hand account to act as
a beginning control for any experiment.

Out of body goggles - Demonstrates to me that sensorimotivive input
(semantic sense) is instrumental in creating awareness of the self as
a whole - biochemistry is not the only determinant. Interpretation is
not hardwired into neurons, it is a consensus of different sense-
making regions of the psyche running through the brain but originating
both within the self and beyond the boundaries of the body.

'Concept neurons' - Neuronal firings correlate to the sense that
things make, rather than the mechanics of stimulation alone. I think
it's premature to assume that single neurons have no awareness or that
our consciousness is not an entangled accumulation of that awareness,
but he's right about needing many neurons for *us* to experience *our*
consciousness. The Jennifer Anniston neuron I think shows the
misguided nature of the reductionist approach. We should realize that
our experience is made up of millions of micro-experiences which we
would not recognize, but which our own experience arises from. It's
different from a mechanism which pumps signals into a CPU, it's the
polar opposite - it's more like the low level holes in a grille which
act as an aperture for the sense connection between high level subject
and high level object.

TMS sequence - shows different areas of the brain activated while
awake, not while asleep, showing that *our* consciousness is not
specific to the behaviors of individual neurons (neurons don't sleep)
but rather it is the integration of the sense that the system is
making as a whole.

Final module - in these kinds of experiments, where one kind of brain
activity is recorded in advance of the conscious subject's awareness
of making a simple left-or-right decision in a laboratory setting, we
are meant to accept that we are the last to know about our own
choices. I agree with the scientist in the video that this tells us
how decision is a process that unfolds through the brain - hitting
different areas at different times.

I don't, however, assume that is specific kind of test tells us about
'free will' in general, or it's origin in pure biochemistry. It may
very well originate in sensorimotive awareness beneath the level of
our cortical cognition, but that doesn't mean that the decisions are
being made based upon a biochemical agenda. Instead, I think that they
are being made on a semantic basis which overlaps (and underlaps) the
conscious cognitive reasoning.

It should be kept in mind that this particular test is about
repetitive, simple motor reflex tasks with no cognitive dimension, so
it is not surprising that the cognitive areas of the brain should be
informed late in the process. The same would be the case with a knee
reflex. It's a decision that is already beginning to form before the
last test response is completed. Part of us may know how many left v
right we are going to do several seconds before we actually execute
that intention, so that what is recorded in the brain scan is not the
initial intention, but the reflexive rhythm from which intentionality
arises in a monotonously repetitive test like this.

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