Merry Christmas 2021 Or Ethnic Cristiabity?

2021-12-29 Thread Philip Benjamin  Prof. Anna 
Swartwood House. Art History, USC.  "This phenomenon was not restricted to 
Europe: There are 16th- and 17th-century pictures of Jesus with, for example, 
 and Indian<> features."
[Philip Benjamin]
Christianity in Ethiopia began in the fourth-century reign of the Aksumite 
emperor Ezana, though the first Hematic "born again" recorded in the New 
Testament was the Ethiopian Treasurer of Queen Candice (Acts 8:27). Apostle 
Tomas came to the Cochin Jews in A.D. 53, whereby began the Syrian Christians 
of Kerala, India. The two consequential conversions, Semitic and Japhetic each, 
are described in Acts chapters 9 and 10. Thus the Redeemer is alike for all the 
original three races. The record of redemption began with protoevangelium of 
Genesis 3: 15 (expounded in Romans Chapter 5, by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus). [The 
Christmas began as Roman Catholic MASS for the Christ Child]. Reducing the 
"art" of the Redeemer to any ethnic portrait is a gross injustice to a 
historical Text called the Bible. WAMP-the-Ingrate (defined elsewhere below) 
with un-awakened consciousness specializes in such grotesque expositions!!

Subject: Merry Christmas 2021 December 5, 2021 1:57
 Poem Christmas 2021   Philip Benjamin
YHWH, yeah YHWH! Yield ye yokefellows yearning
Understand uber unction unbeknownst unto unawakened
Lion looks like Lamb laid low lifeless, lingering, lo living
Eden episode effectively ends, ergo emancipating enslaved
Thundering tetelestai thankfully terminated the thanato-term
Immanuel incarnate, insulted, impaled, interred is immortal
Divine decree defeats death, definitively destined deliverance
Elohim erased energetically, exuberantly, Edentropy entirely
   Note: Edentropy = Edenic entropy.
[Philip Benjamin]
 There is no Left/Right or Conservative/Liberal divide in the West anymore. 
It is Conformist/Nonconformist to globalism which in effect is PAGANISM. Pagans 
with un-awkened consciousness are ubiquitous. They are in the pulpits and pews, 
all branches of government, politics and bureaucracies, academia and media, and 
the military.  All the media kneejerk reactions and comments on "America under 
one religion" and the American culture in general are fearmongering 
propagandist, polemical, extremist Marxist-Socialist-Fascist paganism with 
un-awakened consciousness. By "Democracy" they sincerely mean centralization of 
power in the hands of a few authoritarians whom they can trust. The idea of a 
non-sovereign federation of sovereign States is beyond their conceptualization. 
 Marxist pagans cannot have their imaginary Utopia without totally destroying 
what Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin first coined as "American Exceptionalism". It 
is much worse than Greco-Roman-polytheism from which the West emerged thanks to 
the Mars Hill Discourse, Augustinian brilliance and scholarship applied to the 
Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.
Aseity of dead matter (producing life) or aseity of LIFE (creating 
matter and life) is in question here. There is no other choice for 
Philip Benjamin
   WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, the 
stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust. 
h<>ttps://<><>  Philip 
Benjamin , November 16, 2021 12:10 PM Subject: [Consciousness-Online] Happy 
Thanksgiving Day 2021

 Thanksgiving2021   Philip Benjamin
Thankfully Truth transcendent that transforms
Humanity- helpless, hopeless; heftily happifies
Ascended Adonai awakens atman and atones
Nicknamed newborns: none, nothing nullifies
Kindly knights know kindling Kingdom kinships
Safe, secure, sane, sound, sanguinity satisfies
Philip BenjaminNovember

FW: Merry Christmas 2021

2021-12-19 Thread Philip Benjamin
December 5, 2021 1:57 PM  Everything List<><>     
Subject: Merry Christmas 2021

 Poem Christmas 2021   Philip Benjamin
YHWH, yeah YHWH! Yield ye yokefellows yearning
Understand uber unction unbeknownst unto unawakened
Lion looks like Lamb laid low lifeless, lingering, lo living
Eden episode effectively ends, ergo emancipating enslaved
Thundering tetelestai thankfully terminated the thanato-term
Immanuel incarnate, insulted, impaled, interred is immortal
Divine decree defeats death, definitively destined deliverance
Elohim erased energetically, exuberantly, Edentropy entirely
   Note: Edentropy = Edenic entropy.
[Philip Benjamin]
 There is no Left/Right or Conservative/Liberal divide in the West anymore. 
It is Conformist/Nonconformist to globalism which in effect is PAGANISM. Pagans 
with un-awkened consciousness are ubiquitous. They are in the pulpits and pews, 
all branches of government, politicians and bureaucrats of all stripes and the 
military.  All the media kneejerk reactions and comments on "America under one 
religion" and the American culture in general are fearmongering propagandist, 
polemical, extremist Marxist-Socialist-Fascist paganism with un-awakened 
consciousness. Marxist pagans cannot have their imaginary Utopia without 
totally destroying what Marxist pagan Joseph Stalin first coined as "American 
Exceptionalism". It is much worse than Greco-Roman-polytheism from which the 
West emerged thanks to the Mars Hill Discourse, Augustinian brilliance and 
scholarship applied to the Scriptures of the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.
Aseity of dead matter (producing life) or aseity of LIFE (creating 
matter and life) is in question here. There is no other choice for 
Philip Benjamin
   WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, the 
stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust. 
h<>ttps://<><>  Philip 
Benjamin , November 16, 2021 12:10 PM Subject: [Consciousness-Online] Happy 
Thanksgiving Day 2021

 Thanksgiving2021   Philip Benjamin
Thankfully Truth transcendent that transforms
Humanity- helpless, hopeless; heftily happifies
Ascended Adonai awakens atman and atones
Nicknamed newborns: none, nothing nullifies
Kindly knights know kindling Kingdom kinships
Safe, secure, sane, sound, sanguinity satisfies
Philip BenjaminNovember 2021

Timeline for Thanksgiving in Puritan America which WAMP-the-Ingrate will never 

  1.  Athenian Mars Hill discourse (~ 50 AD) by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (Acts 
17:16-34) where the Unknown god of Greco-Roman paganism was identified as the 
Adonai (singular) YHWH (plural) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets 
and Apostles.

Some intellectuals accepted the Risen Messiah (Dionysius the Areopagite, a 
woman named Damaris, and others with them) while many scoffed the message of 

  1.  Instant transformation of Greco-Roman- pagan Augustine of un-awakened 
consciousness (UC),   resulting in an awakened consciousness (AC).. Gradual 
growth of Augustine through Neo-Platonism, identifying Adonai as Plato's Form 
of the Good (Demiurge) into the greatest philosopher and theologian of at least 
the first Millennium.<>
  2.  Reformation led by Augustinian monk Martin Luther (1517) in Germany.
  3.  Puritan Awakening in England (1530).
  4.  Wesleyan Revivals in England (1700's), warding off the anarchy of the 
type of French Revolution
  5.  Two Great Awakenings in America, historical and historic (1700-1800's)
  6.  Puritan America and Thanksgiving Day
  7.  Sabbath and Sabbatical have no planetary or lunar or solar or any 


2021-12-05 Thread Philip Benjamin 
Subject: FW: Happy Thanksgiving Day 2021

Poem Christmas 2021   Philip Benjamin
YHWH, yeah YHWH! Yield ye yokefellows yearning
Understand uber unction unbeknownst unto unawakened
Lion looks like Lamb laid low lifeless, lingering, lo living
Eden episode effectively ends, ergo emancipating enslaved
Thundering tetelestai thankfully terminated the thanato-term
Immanuel incarnate, insulted, impaled, interned is immortal
Divine decree defeats death, definitively destined deliverance
Elohim erased energetically, exuberantly, Edentropy entirely
   Note: Edentropy = Edenic entropy.
   Philip Benjamin   December 2021

Philip Benjamin]
 There is no Left/Right or Conservative/Liberal divide in the West anymore. 
It is Conformist/Nonconformist to globalism which in effect is PAGANISM. All 
the media kneejerk reactions and comments on "America under one religion" and 
the American culture in general are fearmongering propagandist, polemical, 
extremist Marxist-Socialist-Fascist paganism. It is much worse than 
Greco-Roman-polytheism from which the West emerged thanks to the Mars Hill 
Discourse, Augustinian brilliance and scholarship applied to the Scriptures of 
the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles.  Aseity of dead matter (producing life) 
or aseity of LIFE (creating matter and life) is in question here. There is no 
other choice for WAMP-the-Ingrate.
Philip Benjamin
   WAMP = Western Acade-Media Pagan(ism), including Hollywood, the 
stealing beneficiary of the Augustinian Trust.  
Philip Benjamin , November 16, 2021 12:10 PM Subject: [Consciousness-Online] 
Happy Thanksgiving Day 2021

 Thanksgiving2021   Philip Benjamin
Thankfully Truth transcendent that transforms
Humanity- helpless, hopeless; heftily happifies
Ascended Adonai awakens atman and atones   icknamed newborns: none, 
nothing nullifies
Kindly knights know kindling Kingdom kinships
Safe, secure, sane, sound, sanguinity satisfies
Philip BenjaminNovember 2021

Timeline for Thanksgiving in Puritan America which WAMP-the-Ingrate will never 

  1.  Athenian Mars Hill discourse (~ 50 AD) by Rabbi Saul of Tarsus (Acts 
17:16-34) where the Unknown god of Greco-Roman paganism was identified as the 
Adonai (singular) YHWH (plural) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets 
and Apostles.

Some intellectuals accepted the Risen Messiah (Dionysius the Areopagite, a 
woman named Damaris, and others with them) while many scoffed the message of 

  1.  Instant transformation of Greco-Roman- pagan Augustine of un-awakened 
consciousness (UC),   resulting in an awakened consciousness (AC).. Gradual 
growth of Augustine through Neo-Platonism, identifying Adonai as Plato's Form 
of the Good (Demiurge) into the greatest philosopher and theologian of at least 
the first Millennium.
  2.  Reformation led by Augustinian monk Martin Luther (1517) in Germany.
  3.  Puritan Awakening in England (1530).
  4.  Wesleyan Revivals in England (1700's), warding off the anarchy of the 
type of French Revolution
  5.  Two Great Awakenings in America, historical and historic (1700-1800's)
  6.  Puritan America and Thanksgiving Day
  7.  Sabbath and Sabbatical have no planetary or lunar or solar or any 
astronomical basis. They are purely and solely Scriptural terms. Long weekends 
would never have occurred if the first Church in Jerusalem was not 100% Jewish. 
Only an earth-rending event as Resurrection could have added First Day of the 
week to Sabbath Day (Acts 20:17). Thank Offering and Thanksgiving feasts are 
all Scriptural principles.
  8.  Non-Sovereign Federation of the Sovereign States in Puritan America is 
not an outcome of TM, Tao, Talmud, Kabbala, Koran, occultism, Jungian type 
sorceries, witchcraft etc. , but of the Two Great Awakenings of individual 
consciousness on a massive scale.
  9.  Thus Puritan America produced "the land of the free and home of the 
brave"  where critical thinking, Sciences & Humanities and the "Aristocracy of 
Labor" flourished, not vice versa.  That is "American Exceptionalism" , a 
phrase first coined by Marxist Joseph Stalin who knew only Rasputin's 
occultism, not '


2013-12-11 Thread Roger Clough


at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington DC

Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
See my Leibniz site at

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