Could this be why there are unprovable things ? That
they unprovable because they involve Being itself ?

Yesterday I listed three things I felt that one cannot prove or disprove   

1. That God exists or does not exist.  

2. That I exist or do not exist.  

3. That computers can be conscious or not.

I am suggesting here that the reason that these are
unprovable is that proofs concern only Thirdness, ie descriptions
of mental beings, not their actual "being" (Firstness). 
Descriptions are often more misleading than informative.

Heidegger sought all of his life to in some way grasp Being.
But the best he could do was to be able to grasp Dasein,
or "being-there".  A pointing at Being, which is not Being itself.
Later in his life he seemed to go over the edge. He became a 
Nazi and believed that the german language itself was Being. 
I suppose Peirce's thought was unknown in Germany.

[Roger Clough], [] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen 

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From: Roger Clough  
Receiver: everything-list,-  
Time: 2012-12-26, 18:22:45 
Subject: Three things that one cannot prove or disprove 

Three things that one cannot prove or disprove  

1. That God exists or does not exist. 

2. That I exist or do not exist. 

3. That computers can be conscious or not.  

[Roger Clough], []  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen 

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