Hi Platonist Guitar Cowboy 

Dewey has always fascinated me because of the sweeping power
of his ideas, his blunt originality, and his emphasis on "doing".
But his relativism is nowadays a bit too much for me (IMHO),
in my conservative old age. He might be called the father of
progressivism, so I can understand your more positive view of him.
He would be the darling of progressive politics.

Unfortunately for me, Dewey differs from Peirce and James in 
defining truth too relatively. His relativism seems to me to say
that for him, whatever works is true, period. He doesn't qualify
that with "true in this particular pragmatic sense", but
true, period. This is a bit too heavy-handed for me.

P and J are much tighter with their definition, namely that the 
result of an action is merely the truth of that action, not
the absolute truth. I find this to be more in line with what
I would call "classic pragmatism", which is suspicious of all truth,
but does not deny all of it.  They admitted the possible existence of
God, while Dewey, in his heavy-handed manner, simply
said that God does not exist, period. 

So in the end, while the "sweeping power" of his ideas still
holds some fascination to me, I think he tended more to being
a dictator than a modest seeker of truth, whatever that is.
But there is much in his thought to yet consider.

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-12-29, 14:43:11
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Ten top-of-my-head arguments against multiverses

Hi Roger,

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Roger Clough <rclo...@verizon.net> wrote:

Hi Platonist Guitar Cowboy

Pragmatism is does not provide truth in, say a Platonic or Aristotelian sense.
It only provides truth as pragmatists define truth: namely that if A causes B,
B is the truth of A. This is the same as scientific truth or experimental truth.

I don't think that pragmatists like Dewey, which is how I'd frame "pragmatism" 
semantically, would agree with that.

Whenever the word pops up, I raise an eyebrow: "Let's be pragmatic here..." 
used for argument's sake, I do not take to be a valid move, unless the party 
making the statement specifies some context they are referring to + some degree 
of congruence with the same. Without that, I find it usually nonsense, 
referring to some unspecified universe that is inflated to "absolute reality 
which necessitates x". And everybody knows cui bono with x.

And if Christian rhetoric makes such a pragmatic move, say republicans for 
denying healthcare to poor, my question is naturally: "Your universe is based 
on that book, that you guys use to ceremonially inaugurate presidents, 
instantiate judicial laws, make statements in courts etc. Why is your policy in 
direct contradiction with Jesus teachings, ? la love thy neighbor, help the 
poor and so on?"

I have yet to hear a convincing answer to that one. But I'm patient (unless I 
sense they're ripping me off) with such things. 

Platonistically pragmatic Guitar Cowboy

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]

"The one thing a woman looks for in a man is to be needed." - "Ethan Frome", by 
Edith Wharton

----- Receiving the following content -----

From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-12-26, 12:53:21
Subject: Re: Re: Ten top-of-my-head arguments against multiverses

On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Roger Clough ?rote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

It all boils down to this: is something that is mathematically true necessarily 
physically true ?
This question can be restated as "are mathematical truth and pragmatic truth
the same ?" ?MHO No, because theory can be wrong but what works works.

Dear Roger,

What's wrong with:

Theory always works (in some mind, no matter truth) and pragmatism can be used 
to justify or conceal discrimination, violence, false problems and examples 
like US style conservative rhetoric that pretends to be Christian, with its 
elements of compassion, love thy neighbor, share your wealth, anti-materialism 
etc. but in fact is pushing for policies that deny health to weak/poor, 
consolidate power and horde wealth, and promote the myth of people as isolated 
Islands, defending only their own interests, implying some Citizen Kane ideal, 
that everybody should aspire to?

It's a rather transparent trick for this rhetoric to mask its anti-Christian 
individualism with the Christian cloak of truth, faith, piety, charity, and 
probity; while "pragmatically" reasoning to themselves that it's advantageous 
to pose with the moral authority of ruling Christian dogma + liberty of 
individual, freedom from tyrannical forces. For this reason, this form of 
"Christian-conservative rhetoric" is not an expression of liberty; it's more an 
instrument of control to stop people from entering political process via 
distraction and shared moral indignation at "what's wrong".

I do not buy anymore "left vs. right" as ecology and energy problems make 
resource management much more complex and freedom/monitoring of internet 
activity enters the picture to which both Adam Smith and Marx/Engels were 
mute... but I do know that, if anything, Jesus was a socialist or communist.

Hence, the above mentioned nonsense of rhetoric framing conservative Christians 
as guardians of faith, piety, probity, and charity, while they horde their 
wealth and complain about higher taxes is merely noise to me. People parrots. 
Single function machine. Of course it "works", as you say, as anything does 
when you allow this kind of blatant contradiction. But it still is bs.

Ironically, the "atheist left" fights for Christian (New Testament) ideals... 
damn heathens! So the heathens will be judged, for doing Jesus' work without 
believing in him; and the "right" will be judged for pretending to believe in 
him, but for pragmatism sake they do devil's job ? la "I am God, my wealth, 
myself and I won't share or show solidarity with people in need, because it's 
their fault in my final judgement of them, even though only God can judge, for 
practical reason because I cannot see him, I will judge them when I vote."

This disparity, the blatant fundamental contradiction in both camps, is quite 
hilarious I must admit, even though it's stupid how many have to suffer because 
of policy decisions based on this charade, and how much cash is wasted in 
keeping these narratives alive. Pragmatism has a coarser bs filter than 
arithmetic truth, anywhere in the multiverse I'd guess.



[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]

"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

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From: Bruno Marchal
Receiver: everything-list
Time: 2012-12-26, 05:30:24
Subject: Re: Ten top-of-my-head arguments against multiverses

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