Hi Bruno Marchal 

Guitar Cowboy describes my own limited-ability process of composing music.
I decide on what audience and what mood, and the rest - at least
the melody-- just pops into my head. Or not.  If it hasn't come
within a few minutes, you can't force things.

Mozart, if you look at his manuscripots, simply and rapidly wrote down
his pieces rapidly with nary an erase.

And so following Penrose and my own experiences as in
the above, and because I believe that the supremem monad
is Plato's One, I am most of the timne time a Platonist 

Roger , rclo...@verizon.net
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-13, 12:08:51
Subject: Re: pre-established harmony

On 13 Aug 2012, at 17:55, Platonist Guitar Cowboy wrote:

When this cowboy has to write a score, there are always the constraints of what 
client/audience expect; even if they expect breaking a set of conventions. 

But the actual writing, the 1p experience of it, is out of my control. If I am 
afforded conditions to be allowed to be open for surprise, this control loss is 
ecstatic and overwhelming, in the sense that I can't keep up with the seemingly 
"foreign?!" streams of notes and melodies filling my head. Kind of like, when 
you start dreaming and you're sort of conscious that you're dreaming pre-sleep, 
then complex imagery/thought starts to unfold "automatically" without our 
control, at a rate much higher and denser than we would ever be able to code in 
real time, with interfaces available to us today. Mahler said to Bauer Lechner 
upon conducting his symphonies later in life: "I don't feel like I wrote the 
damned things. I feel like I'm conducting somebody else's score." And although 
I can't write anything close to a Mahler symphony, I feel the same towards "my" 
own scores.

The craft part, tools of formal music theory and so on, are only useful after 
this "generation" phase; serving merely to organize, make presentable, to 
perfume, polish and make palatable the highly dense strings of musical info 
passing through us all the time (if I remain quiet and thoughtless enough, and 
my local universe doesn't interrupt, including my analytical thinking, I'll 
begin to hear it). Contrary to Tom Waits, who is a much better song writer than 
yours truly, I do not believe that "the muse just happens to strike you when 
you get lucky". For this cowboy, it's more a problem, to create the conditions 
that make surprise possible: for me when my analytical faculties are weakened 

Yes, I would subscribe to "every symphony/song exists" outside of time or is 
pre-established. But they are infinite. 


And they fork infinitely into new songs. I want my musical redundancy pure and 
free and the problem is all the functional, analytical noise, and biological 
need's stuff in the way ;)


After I've gone fishing, then the formal theory and craft becomes central; and 
you discover: Funny, "I" did that, would've never crossed "my" mind...


I've never solved a NP-Complete problem though :)

The classical satisfiability problem of propositional logic is NP complete, so 
I am pretty sure you did solve some of them. When looking if p -> (q -> p) is a 
tautology, you do solve a NP-complete problem instantiation. There are two 
variables, p and q, so you will need 2^2 lines in the truth table. So that 
truth table algorithm is intractable if the number of variable is too big. With 
64 variables you would need 2^64 lines.
NP problem are algorithmically solvable, but not necessarily tractable, and 
necessarily non tractable in case P ? NP, as almost everyone believe, but it is 
still a major open problem in computer science.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 12 Aug 2012, at 20:05, Stephen P. King wrote:

Hi Roger,

    I will interleave some remarks.

On 8/11/2012 7:37 AM, Roger wrote:

Hi Stephen P. King 

As I understand it, Leibniz's pre-established harmony is analogous to
a musical score with God, or at least some super-intelligence, as 

    Allow me to use the analogy a bit more but carefully to not go too far. 
This "musical score", does it require work of some kind to be created itself? 

This prevents all physical particles from colliding, instead they
all move harmoniously together*. The score was composed before the
Big Bang-- my own explanation is like Mozart God or that intelligence
could hear the whole (symphony) beforehand in his head.

    I argue that the Pre-Established Harmony (PEH) requires solving an 
NP-Complete computational problem that has an infinite number of variables. 
Additionally, it is not possible to maximize or optimize more than one variable 
in a multivariate system. Unless we are going to grant God the ability to 
contradict mathematical facts, which, I argue, is equivalent to granting 
violations of the basis rules of non-contradiction, then God would have to run 
an eternal computation prior to the creation of the Universe. This is absurd! 
How can the existence of something have a beginning if it requires an an 
infinite problem to be solved first?
    Here is the problem: Computations require resources to run, 

That makes sense, but you should define what you mean by resources, as put in 
this way, people might think you mean "primitively physical resource".

and if resources are not available then there is no way to claim access to the 
information that would be in the solution that the computation would generate. 
WE might try to get around this problem the way that Bruno does by stipulating 
that the "truth" of the solution gives it existence, but the fact that some 
mathematical statement or sigma_1 sentence is true (in the prior sense) does 
not allow it to be considered as accessible for use for other things. For 
example, we could make valid claims about the content of a meteor that no one 
has examined but we cannot have any certainty about those claims unless we 
actually crack open the rock and physically examine its contents. 
    The state of the universe as "moving harmoniously together" was not exactly 
what the PEH was for Leibniz. It was the synchronization of the simple actions 
of the Monads. It was a coordination of the percepts that make up the monads 
such that, for example, my monadic percept of living in a world that you also 
live in is synchronized with your monadic view of living in a world that I also 
live in such that we can be said to have this email chat. Remember, Monads (as 
defined in the Monadology) have no windows and cannot be considered to either 
"exchange" substances nor are embedded in a common medium that can exchange 
excitations. The entire "common world of appearances" emerges from and could be 
said to supervene upon the synchronization of internal (1p subjective) Monadic 

    I argue that the only way that God could find a solution to the NP-Complete 
problem is to make the creation of the universe simulataneous with the 
computations so that the universe itself is the computer that is finding the 
solution.   <snip>

Even some non universal machine can solve NP-complete problem. 



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