Peirce, Kant and Plato simplified

I = Firstness =  time alone = awareness= subject = 1p
II = Secondness = events (space intuition + time) = time dependent functions = 
perceiving events = relational = 2p
III = Thirdness = space intution (time independent truths or contents) = 
objects = 3p  


I had forgotten about the relations, namely, the equations. 
Which are always true and so belong to platonia. 
Consider the following. The short form is that Peirce's 

I = the intuition of time = 1p = t 
II = the world of events, which are only true a certain times = event spaces at 
times t. 
III = the truth or existence of all spaces, considering all time. = the 
clombined truth of all event spaces 

A moresion is this: Let existence or events be true if they currently exist 
(are happening), 
and false if not.  

1. Firstness, let us say, is simply time or the intuition of consciousness. 
It is awareness, the individual observer, before events are perceived (1p).  

Firstness = t = consciousness (individual awareness)= 1p 
Since no events are involved, T or F is irrelevant.  

2. Following Kant's scheme of basic intuitions (space and time), 
let me suggest that Secondness is the world of events. Now events consist 
of the intuitions of space or content plus time. Events only happen at  
specific times, so T if event is happening, F if not. 

Secondness = contingency= the world of events, which are only T at specific 
Events = intuitions of space + that of time.= contents of space (what happens) 
+ time or consciousness (when it happens) 

3. Thirdness is platonia where the many become the time-independent One. 
This is the world of timeless or eternal truths.  

Thirdness = necessity (always true, so time independent) = just the truth or 
existence of all events combined as one. 

Roger Clough,  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-09, 14:36:40  
Subject: Re: 15 22 4  

On 09 Nov 2012, at 13:50, Roger Clough wrote:  

Hi Bruno Marchal  

Arithmetic is just numbers.  

Not at all. you need laws so that numbers can enter in relation with each 

The relation x < y, for example is Ez(x + z = y)  
The relation x divides y, for another example is Ez(x* z = y)  

So you need + and *, and you need axioms to relate the laws, like  

x + 0 = x  
x + (y + 1) = (x + y) + 1  

 x *0 = 0  
 x*(y + 1) = x*y + x  

And by G del this will capture a tiny part of the arithmetical truth, but by 
Putnam-Davis-Robinson-Matiyasevich (70 years of work by quite talentuopus 
logician) that theory can (at least now) easily be shown Turing universal.  

They have no meaning  
and are (3p) unless observed from a fixed identity (1p).  

Yes. But their relations can be such that some 1p emerge. That follows either 
by comp, or by the usual definition of knowledge + the incompleteness theorem 
(see my papers, but of course this needs some math and computer science to 

As proof of that consider these three arithmetic characters from mandarin:  



The meanings of these are  


But you have to makes sense of the characters before you use them.  

Absolutely. Chinese baby will learn that ? is the number of digits handing the 
human arm.  

In other words, you need a fixed, conscious observer.  

Here you made a jump. I agree with you though, but "technically" this might 
need elaboration.  


Roger Clough,  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-08, 11:00:12  
Subject: Re: Leibniz: Reality as Dust  

On 08 Nov 2012, at 16:35, Richard Ruquist wrote:  

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:  

On 08 Nov 2012, at 14:51, Richard Ruquist wrote:  


If the compact manifolds of string theory are all different and  

distinct (as I claim in my paper from observations of a variable fine  

structure constant across the universe), then the manifolds should  

form a Stone space if each manifold instantly maps all the others into  

itself, my (BEC physics) conjecture, but also a Buddhist belief-  

Indra's Pearls.  

If so, youall may be working on implications of string theory- like  


However, in my paper I claim that a 'leap of faith' is necessary to go  

from incompleteness to consciousness (C). Would you agree? Bruno says  

C emerges naturally from comp.  

More precisely, I say that consciousness and matter emerges from elementary  

arithmetic, *once* you bet on comp, that is the idea that the brain or the  

body can be Turing emulated at some right level so that you would remain  



And of course what I am hoping as a physicist rather than a  
mathematician or logician is that the compact manifolds may be the  
basis of the elementary arithmetic from which spacetime, matter (ie.,  
strings) and consciousness emerge.  

Is it not more elegant if we can derived the strings (which are rather 
sophisticated mathematical object) from arithmetic (through computationalism)?  

It seems to me that string theory assumes or presumes arithmetic. Indeed it 
even assumes that the "sum" (in some sense, 'course) of all natural numbers 
gives -1/12. In fact all theories assume the arithmetical "platonia", except 
some part of non Turing universal algebraic structures.  

However, I do not understand what  
it means "to bet on comp".  

You bet on comp when you bet that that you can survive with a digital brain (a 
computer) replacing the brain.  
Comp is just Descartes Mechanism, after the discovery of the universal machine. 
The biggest discovery that nature do and redo all the times.  

Does the whole shebang collapse if brains  
do not exist?  


But brains cannot not exist, as they exist, in some sense, already in 
arithmetic. The whole shebang is a sharable dream. I call the computer 
universal number to help people to keep their arithmetical existence in mind.  
I will say more in FOAR asap. You can find my papers on that subject from my 
URL, but don't hesitate to ask any question, even on references. The simplest, 
concise, yet complete (with the references!) paper is this one:  

Simply state, what I say is that consciousness *and* matter (physics) is in 
your head, a bit like the mystics. But then I show a constructive version of 
that statement allowing any Universal machine to derived physics by looking 
inward, and then we can compare the comp-physics (the physics in the head of 
the universal Turing machine) with empirical physics, so that we can test comp. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------  

From: Stephen P. King  

Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:54 AM  

Subject: Re: Leibniz: Reality as Dust  


On 11/8/2012 6:19 AM, Roger Clough wrote:  

Hi Stephen P. King  

Time and space don't exist as substances so  

they don't influence the monads, which as you say  

are eternal. Further, there is no "substance space".  

So the monads are not organized in any way.  

The monads can be thought of as a collection  

of an infinite number of mathematical points.  

>From dust we come and to dust we shall return.  

Hi Roger,  

  The absolute disconnection of the monads is what makes them a  

'dust'. This is exactly what is a Stone space - the dual to a Boolean  

algebra. ;-) The idea is that any one monad has as its image of other  

monads the vision of a mathematical point. This fits the idea of that  

the classical universe is "atoms in a void" as taught by Democritus.  

  What Craig and I are proposing is to add time to this idea. The  

evolution of the dust from one configuration to another is the arrow  

of time. Switching to the dual, we see teh evolution of Boolean  

algebras, whose arrow is the entailment of one state by all previous  

states. These two arrows face in opposite directions  

... A => A' Stone space  

  | |  

....A*<=A*' Boolean algebra  

  The duals aspects of each monad evolve in opposite directions.  

Roger Clough,  


"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

----- Receiving the following content -----  

From: Stephen P. King  

Receiver: everything-list  

Time: 2012-11-07, 19:01:19  

Subject: Re: Communicability  

On 11/7/2012 11:48 AM, Roger Clough wrote:  

Hi Stephen P. King  

That sounds like Leibniz. Each monad contains the  

views of all of the other monads in order to see  

the whole, not from just one perspective.  

Hi Roger,  

   Yes, and that is why I like the idea of a Monad. I just don't agree  

with Leibniz' theory of how they are organized. Leibniz demanded that  

their organization is imposed ab initio, he assumed that there is a  

special beginning of time. I see the monads as eternal, never created  

nor destroyed, and their mutual relationships are merely the  

co-occurence of their perspectives. This makes God's creativity to be an  

eternal action and not a special one time action.  

Roger Clough,  


"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

----- Receiving the following content -----  

From: Stephen P. King  

Receiver: everything-list  

Time: 2012-11-06, 18:17:30  

Subject: Re: Communicability  

On 11/6/2012 11:11 AM, Roger Clough wrote:  

What happens if I mistake a statue of a beautiful woman  

for the real thing, thus turning, eg, a statue of pygmalion into an  

actual woman ?  

Or mistake fool's gold or gold foiled chocolates  

for actual gold coins ?  

Does the world actually become cloudy if I have cataracts ?  

It is not just about you. It is about the huge number of observers. What  

matters is that they can communicate with each other and mutually  

confirm what is "real". Why do you imagine that only humans can be  






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