Hi Richard Ruquist  

That's a physical description of something that's not physical.  

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Richard Ruquist  
Receiver: Swines,4dworldx,MindBrain,everything-list  
Time: 2012-09-19, 09:00:46 
Subject: A Model of Consciousness based on Cosmic Microwave Background 

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Temperature Signifying the 
Existence of the Thought-Carrying Particle, Thought Retaining Particle 
and Thought Force 
Dhananjay Pal, Arun Uday De 


We developed a consciousness model. Our consciousness model 
incorporating Thought-carrying particle (TCP), Thought-retaining 
particle (TRP) and Thought Force (TF) signifies the existence of the 
universal consciousness that exists along with the universe. The 
universal consciousness is a functional state of the universal mind 
(UM). We indicated the existence of thought force (TF) that is an 
expression of the universal consciousness. This TF is carried by the 
TCP in the presence of its super-symmetrical partner TRP. Many 
physicists believe that unifying all the forces, including gravity, 
into a single theory would require a phenomenon called super-symmetry. 
With super-symmetry, every fermion would have a boson twin, and 
vice-versa. TCP that behaves like boson should accompany its 
super-symmetrical partner TRP that functions like fermion in the 
generalized simpler way. The UM as well as the individual mind is 
constituted by these TCP and TRP. The quantized energy of the TCP is 
found to cause the universal consciousness as well as the cosmic 
microwave background radiation temperature. This TF appears to be the 
primordial quantum field that, in turn, exerts its functions both in 
vitro and in vivo. The individual consciousness owes its origin to the 
universal consciousness created by the same quantized energy. The 
individual consciousness is generated and maintained by the quantum 
mechanical activities of these postulated TCP and TRP in the presence 
of the thought force (TF) in vivo. The existence of TCP, TRP and 
Thought force (TF) is indicated here to form a possible bridge between 
mind and matter. 

NeuroQuantology | September 2012 | Volume 10 | Issue 3 | Page 428-442 


Cosmic microwave background radiation; Universal mind; Thought force; 
Though-carrying particle; Thought retaining particle; Quantized energy 

Full Text: PDF 


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