On 11 Oct 2012, at 15:40, Roger Clough wrote:

This might be of possible importance with regard to comp.

First of all, there are a fixed number of monads in this world, since they
cannot be created or destroyed.

Fixed number? You mean a finite number or an infinite cardinal?

While, as I understand it, the identities or Souls of monads do not change, they do change internally. This is because their contents represent the rapidly changing (in time and space as well as internally) corporeal bodies
in the changing physical world.

This seems to be Leibniz's solution to the problem raised by the
question, "How can monads, being ideas, belong to unchanging Platonia,
if the monads at the same time represent rapidly changing coporeal
bodies in this contingent, ever-changing world ?" The answer seems to be
that only the identities or souls of the monads, not their contents,
belong to Platonia.

Here comp can be much precise.

With regard to comp, presumably there are a fixed number
of sets or files, each with a fixed identity, each of which
contains rapidly changing data. The the data in each file
instantly "reflects" the data in all of the other files, each
data set from a unique "perspective".

Something like that, yes. Will explain more asap. It is hard to explain as few people knows enough of logics/computer science. You might read my relatively recent explanation to the FOAR list, or in the archive of this list, or in the papers on my url.

I agree with this post, but it is not yet clear if you would agree or just appreciate the reason why I am agreeing with you.



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