In my very limited experience, only Border Collies are afraid of thunder
Not Golden Retrievers, or chickens, or rabbits, or horses.
We bring all our animals indoors when serious rain approaches.

I cannot say that any of these animals anticipate a storm in clear or
cloudy weather.

What I can say is that during the storm, only the border collie shows any
She requires us to hold her to calm her fear of thunder.
Previously owned border collies were also afraid of thunder,
but no other kind of dog that I have ever owned in my 76 years here.


On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 9:29 AM, Roger Clough <> wrote:

>  Hi George K. Lucey Jr.
> Interesting project. but you need to look at more subtle events.
> Thunder and lightning even scare me.
> "There is a principle which is a bar against all information,
>    which is proof against all arguments, and which cannot fail
>    to keep a man in everlasting ignorance梩hat principle is
>    contempt prior to investigation."
>                                                                           �
> Herbert Spencer
> Lightning and thunder scare even me. I would instead look into
> more subtle indicators or future events, like pets running away
> away before earthquakes or squirrels gathering nuts before winter,
> where there might be more quantitative predictors..
> 1) Dogs and other animals are also well known to be sensitive
> to oncoomg earthquakes, presumably through their feet. In addition to more
> conventional methods, one successful predictor of
> earthquakes actually uses the number of missing pets in ads
> in newspapers as a quantitative predictor. Perhaps it
> is subtle vibrations, or it could be piezoelectricity
> (electricity produced by stress) that earthquakes are known to emit.
> 2) Perhaps it is just folklore, but many sources indicate that
> squirrels are known to be very active hunting for and burying nuts
> if the forecoming winter is to be severe or long. This has to be some kind
> of
> clairvoyance iif it is true.
> Because of the squirrerls, if true, my own belief is that you may not
> always find physical causes. I think it is mostly clairvoyace.
> Rupert Sheldrake has written a book called something
> like the sense of being stared at from behind. Many people cruelly
> ridicule him, but he is is not a nut, he is a brave man, going against
> the cult of materiaism that has locked up scientific opinion.
> This is called contempt prioor to investigation. If they would repeat his
> suggested experiments they wouod be amazed. But they are imprisoned by the
> cult of materialism.
> I have found after an inspection Leibniz's philosophy that there
>  is a valid reason for this, namely that we can be aware of activities
> (even in time) outside
> of our current situation. But I have likewise so far have been met with
> silence.
> God bless this brave scientist, silenced by the cult of materialism.
> Dr. Roger B Clough NIST (ret.) [1/1/2000]
> See my Leibniz site at
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: George K. Lucey Jr.
> Receiver: Fred Lipscomb,Laszlo Kish,Royce Wist,Roger Clough
> Time: 2013-11-12, 18:29:51
> Subject: Animal help needed
> > I am working on a means of relieving the trauma that some pets suffer
> when
> >they sense a thunderstorm approaching long before it can be heard and
> seen
> >by humans.
> >
> >My first inquiry is into dogs that (like any person hit unexpectedly on
> the
> >back of the neck) suddenly - in clear skies - become disoriented,
> confused,
> >tremble, and run to hide.
> >
> >My sense is the fear arises from a bombardment of short pulses of
> >infrasonic and magnetic waves coming from different directions due to
> >lightning strikes in storms out of sight and earshot of humans.
> >
> >Clearly the fear grows to pure terror when bright flashes and loud noises
> >are added upon arrival of the thunderstorm overhead.
> >
> >I would like help in discussing theories and solutions with anyone who
> has
> >owned (or seen) an animal that became neurotic in thunderstorms ... dogs,
> >birds, cats, horses, cows, pigs, whatever.
> >
> >Anyone have a neurotic pet story to tell?
> >
> >Is anyone able to speak about the ferroelectric material, Magnetite, in
> the
> >body that enables homing pigeons and dogs, etc., to locate their spacial
> >position in the earth's magnetic field? My hypothesis is that magnetic
> >pulses from distant lightning strikes reorients the Magnetite and causes
> >confusion, etc. only in dogs with an abundance of the material..
> >
> >Giorgio
> >
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