Re: Error in "Refinements to my model" try it again

2001-12-24 Thread H J Ruhl

A correction to my model corrected:

Near the end it should say:

>Evolving universes must be isomorphic to a portion of

one of these successive manifest counterfactuals.  It is not required that 
a particular universe always be isomorphic the counterfactual at a given 
level of the nesting.  Such a requirement would be a vast correspondence 
table of information that can not [should not] be in the Everything.

>   The nesting would allow an infinite number of such universes.


Re: Error in "Refinements to my model"

2001-12-24 Thread H J Ruhl

A correction to my model:

Near the end it should say:

>Evolving universes must be isomorphic to a portion of

one of these successive manifest counterfactuals.  It is not required that 
it always be the same one.

>   The nesting would allow an infinite number of such universes.


Error in "Refinements to my model"

2001-12-15 Thread H J Ruhl

Sorry, I missed some editing errors in the lead in to the referenced post.

I meant to say:

I currently define information as fact(s) that are absent counter facts.

Example of counter facts [sort of]: In our universe the rules dictate that 
any sufficiently large mass wants to assume a shape that is essentially a 
sphere.  There are numerous other possibilities that could be the rule in 
some other universe.  The ensemble of all these various rules is a complete 
set of counter facts that contains no information re this shape issue.

Call facts that are absent counter facts factuals.

Call counter facts counterfactuals

A fact that has counterfactuals is itself a counterfactual.

The objective is to model our universe using no information that is by 
using just complete sets of counterfactuals.

First examine the following:

"The Everything which is defined as the ensemble of all counterfactuals 

This existence by itself would be a factual and violate the objective.

Now let us examine two counterfactuals.

1) The Everything which is the ensemble of all counterfactuals exists.

2) The Nothing which is the absence of all facts both counterfactual and 
factual exists.

The Everything and the Nothing are antipodal representations of no 

The existence of either is the counterfactual to the existence of the other 
and so the dual  existence is allowed under the objective since it 
represents no information.

While the Nothing can not contain the Everything nor itself by definition 
and the Everything can not contain one or the other, can the Everything 
contain both?  At the moment I think it can and this just produces an 
infinite nesting.

That is the initial "mathematical" foundation.

Next is the exploration of the manifestation of this foundation while 
defining physical universes as isomorphisms to this manifestation.

At any nesting level if the manifestation was unchanging or structurally 
sequenced that would be a factual.

If the manifestation at any given level is a random sequence of piece after 
piece of the Everything of that level each of which would be automatically 
accompanied by the counterfactual residual portion of the associated 
Nothing there would be no factual.

Evolving universes must be isomorphic to a portion of each successive 
manifest counterfactual.  The nesting would allow an infinite number of 
such universes.

The rules of isomorphic shift [the laws of physics] for each such universe 
must have some random [true noise] content in order to sustain the 
succession of isomorphisms to the random sequence of counterfactuals.


Refinements to my model

2001-12-11 Thread H J Ruhl

I have been having a valuable discussion on this type of modeling and this 
has resulted in some improvements in my approach.


I currently define information as fact(s) that are absent counter facts.

Example: [sort of] In our universe the rules dictate that any sufficiently 
large mass wants to assume a shape that is essentially a sphere.  There are 
numerous other possibilities that could be the rule in some other 
universe.  The ensemble of all these various rules is a complete set of 
counter facts that contains no information re this shape issue.

Call such facts factuals.

Call counter facts counterfactuals

A fact that has counterfactuals is itself a counterfactual.

The objective is to model our universe using no information that is by 
using just complete sets of counterfactuals.

First examine the following:

"The Everything which is defined as the ensemble of all counterfactuals 

This existence by itself would be a factual and violate the objective.

Now let us examine two counterfactuals.

1) The Everything which is the ensemble of all counterfactuals exists.

2) The Nothing which is the absence of all facts both counterfactual and 
factual exists.

The Everything and the Nothing are antipodal representations of no 

The existence of either is the counterfactual to the existence of the other 
and so the dual  existence is allowed under the objective since it 
represents no information.

While the Nothing can not contain the Everything nor itself by definition 
and the Everything can not contain one or the other, can the Everything 
contain both?  At the moment I think it can and this just produces an 
infinite nesting.

That is the initial "mathematical" foundation.

Next is the exploration of the manifestation of this foundation while 
defining physical universes as isomorphisms to this manifestation.

At any nesting level if the manifestation was unchanging or structurally 
sequenced that would be a factual.

If the manifestation at any given level is a random sequence of piece after 
piece of the Everything of that level each of which would be automatically 
accompanied by the counterfactual residual portion of the associated 
Nothing there would be no factual.

Evolving universes must be isomorphic to a portion of each successive 
manifest counterfactual.  The nesting would allow an infinite number of 
such universes.

The rules of isomorphic shift [the laws of physics] for each such universe 
must have some random [true noise] content in order to sustain the 
succession of isomorphisms to the random sequence of counterfactuals.
