Leibniz's monads = substances refer to phenomenological bodies which are  
of one part, that is to say, that have no internal boundaries. So  
his monads are morphic forms. If you study the nature of his monads,  
(through his monadology) you can learn more about the morphic fields  
 from his mondaology. 

Leibniz's metaphysics is idealistic, so that he only considers the monads  
to be real, not the bodies they refer to, which are actually  
phenomena in the Kant sense. They aren't illusions, you can still stub  
your toe on a rock, to borrow Dr. Johnson's cirticism of Berkeley,  
Leibniz takes them, of all possible physical bodies, to be real,  
even though they are continully changing. because they are one  
of one part (can't be subdivided).  

The monadology (an encyclopdia of the the morphic fields) is given on  


I am not a marxist.  

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen

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