On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 18:42 +0100, Tobias Mueller wrote:
> > #0  0x00007f49a9ddab0a in __xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename 
> > (URI=0x7f4994045710 
> > "/home/psmith/.evolution/mail/config/et-expanded-imap:__paul+mad-scientist...@localhost:40993_INBOX",
> >  enc=XML_CHAR_ENCODING_NONE) at ../../libxml2/xmlIO.c:2521
> > 2521                if (((z_stream *)context)->avail_in > 4) {
> > 
> I've had that a couple of month ago and the problem was a 64bit issue. I
> don't know remember what exactly the issue was. Something with zlib and
> libxml not building wide enough filepointers or so. Anyway, adding
> module_autogenargs['libxml2'] = autogenargs + '
> to my ~/.jhbuildrc fixed that for me.

Hm, interesting.  This is a 64bit system I'm building on (although 64bit
filesizes of course don't require 64bit systems).  If this is really the
problem then that's a build error in libxml2.

I'll poke through my build logs and see if I can see anything.
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