On Mon, 2003-09-22 at 06:20, Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On Sun, 2003-09-21 at 22:14, Chris Toshok wrote:
> > I was looking at the contact editor code, and it struck me as kinda
> > weird that we use bonobo there at all.  is the possibility of expressing
> > the toolbars/menus in the ui xml file (as opposed to the glade file)
> > worth the pain of all that gross reparenting code?
>       Gross re-parenting code ? does that date from the days when libglade
> couldn't create a BonoboWindow and so we had to design inside a
> GtkWindow and then reparent into a BonoboWindow ? if so a simple cut /
> paste should fix that.

Yeah, that's definitely a big piece of it.  It just seems like an overly
large hammer being used to drive a small nail, though.. since we only
use bonobo for the menu bar/toolbars.  There's no merging going on, no
embedding, etc.

hmm, my glade-2 doesn't have BonoboWindow in it.  is this a HEAD glade
thing?  Can we specify the (at least initial) menu bars/toolbars in the
.glade file?

> > Thoughts?  I'd like to remove the bonobo foo and just have everything in
> > the .glade file.
>       Sure; I guess the issue would be that you have to use libgnomeui to
> generate the menus then ?

well, we can generate it all in the glade file.

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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