People want/need better control over what gets synchronized when they go
offline. Two possibilities are:
        * Outlook style: add a pane to "folder properties" to let you
          specify offline options for a folder
        * vfolder style: add an "Offline folders" dialog, where you can
          configure vfolder-like rules for syncing. ("Important or
          Unread messages from all folders", "Messages from Ettore in
          evolution, evolution-hackers, and gene-pool", etc.)

Outlook style would be easy, and familiar to Outlook users. Vfolder
style might be nicer though, because then you can see/change all of your
offline rules at once, rather than needing to go folder by folder. I
don't know how much work it would be to create another
filter/vfolder-style dialog... we ought to be able to just reuse a lot
of the existing code.

The down side of vfolder style is that then it's not obvious how/where
to configure offline support for calendar and contact folders. Perhaps
the offline folder rules dialog could be in the shell, and have slightly
different rules for the different kinds of folders (so you would still
be able to specify all of your rules from the same dialog, but each rule
could only be applied to one type of folder). Each component could
install xml files a la filtertypes.xml to specify the options for its
types of folders. Does that sound reasonable?

Whichever way we choose, auto-archive should probably work the same way.

-- Dan

evolution-hackers maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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